Agenda item - Minutes

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Agenda item


(i)            To consider the minutes of the Children Young People & Skills Committee meeting held on 16 November 2015 (copy attached).


(ii)          To consider the minutes of the Joint Health & Wellbeing and Children & Young People & Skills Committees held on 10 November 2015 (copy attached)



49.1    Councillor Daniels referred to paragraph 42.7 of the Minutes of the Children Young People & Skills Committee held on 16 November 2015, and said that it should read ‘Councillor Daniel said the Labour Group would not support the amendment as it did not improve the recommendation and it was not helpful to name a specific organisation and would therefore abstain from voting to agree the proposed amendment’.


49.2    Councillor Wealls referred to paragraph 44.4 of the Minutes of the Children Young People & Skills Committee held on 16 November 2015 and said he referred to unauthorised absence as being ‘high’ rather than ‘low’.


49.3    RESOLVED:


(i)            That subject to the amendments above, the Minutes of the Children Young People & Skills Committee meeting held on 16 November 2015 be agreed as a correct record.


(ii)          That the Minutes of the Joint Health & Wellbeing and Children Young People & Skills Committee meeting held on 10 November 2015 be agreed as a correct record.

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