Agenda item - Public Involvement

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Agenda item

Public Involvement

To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


(a)          Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public;


(i)            Fiveways and Surrenden Parking Scheme


(b)          Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 12 January 2016;


(c)          Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 12 January 2016.



(a)          Petitions


(i)           Fiveways and Surrenden Parking Scheme- Katharine Butcher


55.1      The Committee considered a petition signed by 417 people that requested Balfour Road, Herbert Road, Gordon Road, Bates and Loder Road be included in the proposed Fiveways and Surrenden Parking Scheme.


55.2      The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for presenting your petition and I appreciate the work that has gone into it.  It was made clear in the consultation literature that other roads may vote in favour of a scheme.  Your petition is certainly useful in helping demonstrate the desire across the petition area for a re-consultation on becoming part of the Fiveways parking scheme. 

           As has been previously stated, if there is sufficient strength of feeling, and your petition helps in this regard, the area can be re-consulted this Summer.

Over the next three months it would be useful if residents gain more signatures. These can be sent directly to the Transport team and I will ensure that the contact details to do so will be included in my formal written response to you”.


55.3      RESOLVED- That the petition be noted.


(b)         Written Questions


(i)           Freshfield Road crossing- Faye Bridgewater


55.4      The spokesperson was unable to attend and therefore a formal response was provided in writing by the Chair as follows:


“Thank you for your question.

I am aware that Officers have arranged a meeting with ward councillors to discuss potential proposals for Freshfield Road. Once this meeting has taken place officers will invite you to a meeting where proposals can be shared”.


(c)          Deputations


(i)            Citypark Rangers and their importance to our environment, a volunteer perspective- Cliff Munn


55.5      The Committee considered a Deputation that provided detail on the role of volunteers and the Citypark Ranger service plus the benefit to the wider area and requested that the service retain its funding going forward.


55.6      The Chair provided the following response:


“Thank you for your deputation to this Committee.

As most people now know, the Council is being forced to close a £68 million spending gap, due in large part to the central government reducing the Council's grant to nearly zero by 2019/20.

Nobody wants to make these cuts and as part of our consultation and engagement with our staff and community groups, we are now in a position to look again at these proposals in a way that will retain additional staff as well as still delivering on the proposed budget savings. 

We recognise the work that our volunteers and communities do for our City and our intention has always been to build on that collaboration and we very much look forward to this partnership work continuing. I hope that provides some re-assurance”.


55.7      Councillor West commented that he believed the Citypark Ranger service to be crucial and the council should instead be discussing methods in broadening the scope of volunteer numbers rather than reducing the service and cutting the skill base. Councillor West noted his concern that any cut to the service may put the city’s biosphere status at risk.


55.8      Councillor Janio stated that he had seen first-hand the excellent function carried out by Citypark Rangers and his group would be seeking to retain the service in the upcoming Budget discussions.


55.9      RESOLVED- That the Deputation be noted.

Supporting documents:


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