Agenda item - Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2016/17

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Agenda item

Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2016/17

Report of the Director of Public Health (copy attached).


That the committee agrees the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2016/2017.



74.1      The Committee considered a report of the Director of Public Health that requested approval of the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2016/17 as required by the Food Standards Agency.


74.2      Councillor Theobald stated that whilst he commended the work of officers in the service area, he could not support the report recommendations as he did not believe the service was sufficiently staffed or resourced.


74.3      The Environment Health Manager stated that there were significant service pressures but he and his team worked effectively as they could within those resources.


74.4      Councillor West commended the report and the hard work of officers. Councillor West added that the rating system and been a huge factor in driving up standards across the city.


74.5      RESOLVED- That the committee agrees the Official Feed and Food Controls Service Plan 2016/2017.

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