Agenda item - Quarter 3 Performance Report
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Agenda item
Quarter 3 Performance Report
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: East Area, Monday, 25th January, 2016 7.00pm (Item 34.)
- View the background to item 34.
(copy attached).
34.1 Ododo Dafe; Head of Income, Involvement and Improvement, presented the Q3 report. She stated that due to the timing of Housing Management Area Panels a full report is not yet been available. Once a draft report has been produced it will be forwarded on. She noted that the full report will go to the New Housing and New Homes Committee. Rent arrears performance has seen improvement on last year and issues surrounding re-routing phone calls will remain until next February.
34.2 Chris El-Shabba stated the fraud tenancy team were to be commended on the amount of work they have accomplished.
34.3 Iain Ramage stated that the fraud department doesn’t work.
34.4 Ododo Dafe disagreed stating that evidence shows 7 properties have been brought back.
34.5 Janet Gearing enquired to different aspects of the tenancy fraud i.e drug dealing, imprisoned people and whether they will keep their property once having broken the tenancy agreement.
34.6 Ododo Dafe stated that each case will be dealt with individually.
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