Agenda item - Draft Asset Management Strategy
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Agenda item
Draft Asset Management Strategy
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: Central Area, Tuesday, 2nd February, 2016 2.00pm (Item 33.)
- View the background to item 33.
(Report attached).
33.1 The Housing Asset Strategy Manager introduced and highlighted that there had been consultation meetings with residents. Residents were particularly keen to prioritise investment in the exterior repair of buildings and common parts, such as decorations in stairwells and lighting, with the aim of achieving a more consistent standard across the city. It was also feedback that residents wished the general focus for investment should be mainly on improving the quality of the existing housing stock, and ensuring that all housing should be of a good standard, and well insulated, to help with fuel costs.
33.2 In response to Tomm Nhyuus, it was explained that a further, more detailed, report would be presented at a future Area Housing Panel.
33.3 In response to Barry Hughes it was clarified that there was not an active encouragement for residents to buy their property; however, the value of the freeholds would be looked at and then will enquire to see if residents were interested to buy.
33.4 The Housing Asset Strategy Manager explained to the Chair that there was a struggle to deliver on all lift repair projects; therefore, a lift program would be carried out and all repair jobs would be reviewed and determined whether the lift needs replacing.
33.5 In response to Tomm Nyhuus it was noted that residents have feedback that they wished to have a more consistent appearance in communal areas and that there was money in the budget to do this.
33.6 Theresa Mackey noted that she was pleased that there was an aim to improve the quality of repairs.
33.7 The Housing Asset Strategy Manager stated that the report would be taken to the Housing & New Homes Committee on 2 March 2016.
33.8 RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.
Supporting documents:
- Draft Asset Management Strategy v2 7 Jan 2016FIN, item 33. PDF 696 KB
- Area panels handout Asset Strategy Jan 2016, item 33. PDF 69 KB View as HTML (33./2) 59 KB