Agenda item - Any Other Business

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Agenda item

Any Other Business


37.1    Ian Stone, Mears representative, agreed to report back that street lights needed fixing and a cherry picker would be hired.


37.2    Charles Penrose noted that the main doors at Sloane Court had broken and Mears had organised security to monitor the entrance. He questioned whether it would have been more cost effective to have the doors fixed over the weekend rather than wait until the following week. The Housing Asset Strategy Manager agreed to feedback to Charles Penrose.


37.3    The Chair requested feedback from the emergency sub-panel regarding the budget proposals. The following feedback was given:

·           Residents were surprised by the format of the agenda.

·           There was disappointment that residents were unable to see the information that was sent to the Policy & Resources Committee. The Resident Involvement Manager clarified that it was a verbatim record of what was discussed at the meeting and agreed to distribute it to all the residents who attended.

·           A larger venue would have been more suitable.

·           There were specific concerns raised from the residents around the EBD budget. All residents agreed that a proposal should be taken to the Policy & Resources Committee.


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