Agenda item - Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/2017
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Agenda item
Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/2017
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 7th March, 2016 4.00pm (Item 72.)
- View the background to item 72.
Report of the Executive Director of Children’s Services (copy attached)
(1) That the level of available capital resources totalling £30.778 million for investment relating to education buildings financed from capital grant and revenue contributions be noted.
(2) That Committee agree the allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 and recommend this to Policy & Resources Committee on 17 March 2016 for inclusion within the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2015/16.
(3) That Committee agree to recommend to Policy & Resources Committee that they grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme.
72.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Children’s Services, on Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/17. The report informed the Committee of the level of available capital resources allocated to this service for 2016/17 and to recommend a Capital Investment Programme for 2016/17. The report was introduced by the Head of School Organisation and Head of Education Capital.
72.2 Councillor Marsh referred to Appendix 1 and asked how much would be spent at each school. The Head of Education Capital said that the appendix set out work due to be undertaken in the next financial year and, if the committee agreed, the matter would then go to tender and a price agreed.
72.3 Councillor Wealls noted the figure of £20m for ‘Additional secondary provision’, and asked if that was for a Free School and if it was why it was being funded by the Local Authority. The Executive Director Children’s Services said the money was from the Department for Education. A case had been made for additional secondary school provision, and the money was to purchase and refurbish a site and the Council was acting as banker for the money. Councillor Wealls asked if the money was only allocated for a specific project, and was advised that it was provided for the provision of places, not for a specific project. Councillor Wealls said that if that was the case, why only one provider was considered for the new school as his party had wanted to open discussions with others but had been told it was not feasible given the funding issues. The Chair said that there had been cross party agreement to support the University Trust’s application, and it was important that there was united support for a university backed free school.
(1) That the level of available capital resources totalling £30.778 million for investment relating to education buildings financed from capital grant and revenue contributions be noted.
(2) That Committee agree the allocation of funding as shown in Appendices 1 and 2 and recommend this to Policy & Resources Committee on 17 March 2016 for inclusion within the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2015/16.
(3) That Committee agree to recommend to Policy & Resources Committee that they grant delegated authority to the Assistant Director of Property & Design to procure the capital maintenance and basic need works and enter into contracts within these budgets, as required, in accordance with Contract Standing Orders in respect of the entire Education Capital Programme.
Supporting documents:
- Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/2017, item 72. PDF 128 KB View as HTML (72./1) 110 KB
- Enc. 1 for Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/2017, item 72. PDF 26 KB View as HTML (72./2) 55 KB
- Enc. 2 for Education Capital Resources and Capital Investment Programme 2016/2017, item 72. PDF 231 KB View as HTML (72./3) 27 KB