Agenda item - Parking Schemes – Consultation work

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Agenda item

Parking Schemes – Consultation work

Report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).


That the Committee:


(a)           Agrees that an initial consultation takes place in the Preston Village area (Appendix B) on the schemes outlined in para 5.1.


(b)          Agrees that an initial consultation takes place in the Surrenden area (Appendix B) on the schemes outlined in para 5.1.


(c)          Agrees that an initial consultation takes place in the West Hove area (Appendix C) on the schemes outlined in para 5.5.


(d)          Notes the update on the Hollingbury Road / Ditchling Gardens area (Appendix D),


(e)          Notes the results of the satisfaction surveys in parking schemes implemented in the last 18 months.


77.1      The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing that provided an update on the progress made on three parking schemes and sought approval for the scope of the initial consultation for two of those schemes.


77.2      Councillor Janio requested the report recommendations be taken individually as he believed recommendation 2.1(c) was a laudable scheme that met the needs of residents but could not agree with the other proposals. In reference to paragraph 5.5, Councillor Janio asked if the times for Scheme B could be changed from 2-3pm to 7-8pm as that reflected the existing restrictions.


77.3      Councillor West stated that he was glad the Surrenden area was to be re-consulted as that would meet the requests of residents. Councillor West noted that there would be a geographical gap between an existing scheme and the one to be consulted upon and it made no sense to him not to consult those households too and the committee should not wait for residents to approach them. Councillor West noted the email sent to the committee by Councillor Littman and asked that Members agree to his request to extend the consultation to those further 28 households in Beacon Close and the stretch of Ditchling Road between Osbourne Road and Balfour Road due to the concerns set out.


77.4      The Chair stated that she had confirmed that request subject to the approval of the report by the committee.


77.5      The Parking Strategy Manager stated that the consultation was due to begin in Autumn 2016. Strong cases to be reconsulted had been made by residents of the Balfour Road and Surrenden Road area to the committee. Should residents from other roads in the vicinity make representations to the committee at its next meeting in June, it would be possible to include them in that consultation.


77.6      Councillor Nemeth asked for clarification on when the consultation would begin in the West Hove area.


77.7      The Parking Strategy Manager clarified that the area would be assessed by officers in the final quarter of 2016 with the consultation to begin as soon as possible in the New Year.


77.8      RESOLVED-  That the Committee:


(a)           Agrees that an initial consultation takes place in the Preston Village area (Appendix B) on the schemes outlined in para 5.1.


(b)          Agrees that an initial consultation takes place in the Surrenden area (Appendix B) on the schemes outlined in para 5.1.


(c)          Agrees that an initial consultation takes place in the West Hove area (Appendix C) on the schemes outlined in para 5.5.


(d)          Notes the update on the Hollingbury Road / Ditchling Gardens area (Appendix D),


(e)          Notes the results of the satisfaction surveys in parking schemes implemented in the last 18 months.

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