Agenda item - Members' Update

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Agenda item

Members' Update


·                John – attended a meeting of the Environment Committee. He was to attend a meeting with Southern Railway about the potential to integrate bus and rail travel.

·                Lynne – has been focussing on budget related meetings. She would like to thank Peter Huntbach and Seniors’ Housing Team for the visits. She would like to encourage more new people to become involved and give them a voice.

·                Colin – attended the following meetings: Tower House, Buswatch (to outline the OPC position on bus pass times), the Sheltered Housing Action Group, a procurement meeting with the CCG re: short term beds provision & the OPC determining whether to take a place on this commissioning group, the Health & Wellbeing Board to ask 2 formal questions about GP practices under threat of closure and what the HWB intended to do to prevent such a situation happening again. He will be attending an Overview & Scrutiny Committee workshop on GP sustainability on 26.02.16.

·                Mike – also attended the meeting re: short term beds and had suggested Tower House as a possible provider & the Health & Well Being board meeting to hear about the GP practices sustainability and the impact this could have on certain patients and communities, as well as the possible loss of services to the homeless. Also been focussing on Fairness Commission work, work with Albion in the Community, a meeting with the Leader Warren Morgan, a digital inclusion meeting with Barclays as well as arranging a meeting at St John’s on the Fairness Commission.

·                Francis – reported on the work by the patient participation group at Pavilion Surgery in relation to healthy eating and a possible newsletter for older people. He was to attend a number of housing and health related meetings including with Andy Winter. He had checked on the OPC phone line.

·                Jack – had rejoined Radio Free Brighton and was hoping to set up a session on older peoples’ issues.

·                Penny – nothing to add.     





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