Agenda item - The Big Conversation - An Open Spaces Strategy for Brighton & Hove

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Agenda item

The Big Conversation - An Open Spaces Strategy for Brighton & Hove

Report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Development & Housing (copy attached).


1)           That the Committee notes the background to the strategy development.


2)           That the Committee agrees the next steps in the strategy development with a draft strategy to be ready for consideration by this committee by October 2016.


72.1      The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing that set out progress made on the Open Spaces Strategy and requested approval for the next stages of work.


72.2      Councillor Janio commended the report as sports and open spaces were very important.


72.3      Councillor Theobald welcomed the report and hoped more emphasis could be placed on Section 106 contributions.


72.4      Councillor Atkinson praised the report adding that he was aware of local groups in his ward who were ready to engage on the proposals.


72.5      Councillor West welcomed the report and expressed his hope that work could be progressed effectively.


72.6      RESOLVED-


1)           That the Committee notes the background to the strategy development.


2)           That the Committee agrees the next steps in the strategy development with a draft strategy to be ready for consideration by this committee by October 2016.

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