Agenda item - City Sustainability Action Plan 2015-17
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Agenda item
City Sustainability Action Plan 2015-17
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 28th June, 2016 4.00pm (Item 9.)
- View the background to item 9.
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).
That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:
1) Notes the Action Progress Report in relation to the City Sustainability Action Plan (Appendix 1).
2) Approves the City Sustainability Action Plan Key Performance Indicators list (Appendix 2) and notes the City Sustainability Action Plan Key Performance Indicators 2015-16 report (Appendix 3).
9.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture that provided the second six monthly update of the City Sustainability Action Plan since the plan was refreshed in 2015.
9.2 Councillor Miller referred to the comment made in the document regarding a lack of agreement between ward councillors and parish councillors in Rottingdean. Councillor Miller stated this this was expressly not the case and asked for the sentence to be removed.
9.3 The Chair confirmed that the reference would be amended.
9.4 Councillor Greenbaum enquired as to how an exit from the European Union (EU) would affect funding streams.
9.5 The Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture clarified that it was still too early to be certain of the ramifications of the recent referendum result and officers had been advised by the Department for Communities & Local Government (DCLG) to take a ‘business as usual’ approach until the full picture was known.
9.6 Councillor Deane asked if the Citywide Garage Sale would be held again in 2016, if charity shops could be included in data collection for waste diverted from landfill and if the work of re-use organisations such as Freegle could be advertised on communal refuse bins as a method to reduce dumping of household goods.
9.7 The Chair stated that she was currently in discussion with officers at Cityclean about the signage on communal bins and this could be an item to take forward.
9.8 The Sustainability Programme Officer explained this was the first time data had been collected from Freegle on the tonnage of waste diverted from landfill. Whilst resource constraints meant it unlikely that data could also be collated from charity shops, it could be an option in the long-term. The Sustainability Programme Officer added that the Citywide Garage Sale would be going ahead again this year and would be co-ordinated by Cath Fletcher.
9.9 Referring to of the Planning Action Progress report, Councillor Atkinson asked if Sussex Partnership Trust could be involved in work to help develop a healthy and sustainable hospital food and drink policy.
9.10 The Chair thanked Councillor Atkinson for a helpful suggestion and stated that the request would be relayed on.
9.11 Councillor Wares asked if the section on flood risk detailed on page 123 of the agenda should be expanded to include to include surface water flooding that affected the Patcham and Portslade areas of the city. Councillor Wares also asked whether officers responsible for delivering the actions detailed in the Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) also had some input into producing them.
9.12 The Sustainability Programme Officer confirmed that KPI’s were jointly produced by the Sustainability Team and the officers responsible. Options for including surface water flooding would be reviewed for the next update.
9.13 Councillor Janio asked if the authority benchmarked KPI’s against other authorities
9.14 The Sustainability Programme Officer confirmed that benchmarking was undertaken against similar authorities as comparison and for potential ways of working to learn from.
9.15 Councillor Robins asked if any feedback had been provided about the impact of the two rain gardens in Portslade had been provided given the recent flooding.
9.16 The Sustainability Programme Officer confirmed that the Flooding Officer had provided very positive feedback regarding the impact of the rain gardens.
9.17 Councillor Greenbaum noted that a decision had been made in July 2015 to stop using a 100% renewable energy tariff and asked if the impact of that was yet or would be known.
9.18 The Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture stated that he would need to check with the council’s Energy Team to clarify.
9.19 RESOLVED- That Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee:
1) Notes the Action Progress Report in relation to the City Sustainability Action Plan (Appendix 1).
2) Approves the City Sustainability Action Plan Key Performance Indicators list (Appendix 2) and notes the City Sustainability Action Plan Key Performance Indicators 2015-16 report (Appendix 3).
Supporting documents:
- City Sustainability Action Plan 2015-17, item 9. PDF 114 KB View as HTML (9./1) 39 KB
- Enc. 1 for City Sustainability Action Plan 2015-17, item 9. PDF 621 KB
- Enc. 2 for City Sustainability Action Plan 2015-17, item 9. PDF 89 KB View as HTML (9./3) 13 KB
- Enc. 3 for City Sustainability Action Plan 2015-17, item 9. PDF 389 KB