Agenda item - Written questions from Councillors.
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Agenda item
Written questions from Councillors.
A list of the written questions submitted by Members has been included in the agenda papers. This will be repeated along with the written answers received and will be taken as read as part of an addendum circulated separately at the meeting.
99.1. The Mayor reminded Council that written questions from Members and the replies from the appropriate Councillor were taken as read by reference to the list included in the addendum which had been circulated as detailed below:
(a) Councillor Miller
99.2. “Would the Chair of Environment, Transport & Sustainability please set out the cost of collection on average (including maintenance and installation of parking machines) per pound for coin operated parking machines? Could she also again clarify the cost to the council for the pay-by-phone scheme on average per pound?”
Reply from Councillor Mitchell, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.
“The cost to the council of parking made by pay and display machine in cash include…
· purchasing the machine
· installation
· maintenance and repair
· vehicle and fuel costs
· cash collection
and these costs represent 38p of every £1 collected.
The cost to the council of parking using pay by phone includes
· card process costs
· the cost of providing the pay by phone service
These are almost covered by the 10p service charge paid by the driver. The council therefore receives 99p of every £1 paid by phone.”
(b) Councillor G. Theobald
99.3. “In view of the Conservative Group amendment that was agreed by Budget Council to allocate an extra £60k to the public conveniences budget, will the Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee please provide an update on how this money will be spent?”
Reply from Councillor Mitchell, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.
“In 2015/16 the council agreed to reduce the budget for public toilets by £165,000 to be implemented in 2016/17 so officers worked up proposals to deliver those savings.
The only way that savings of that magnitude can be realised is by either reducing opening hours or by closing some sites completely.
During the budget setting process additional funding was proposed by both Labour and Conservative Councillors and with those changes, the saving requirement is now £40,000. Officers have been working up revised options taking into consideration levels of usage, the level of capital investment needed and the availability of other nearby facilities. Relevant ward councillors would be informed as part of this process.
No savings to public toilet provision have been proposed for 2016/17 and a sum of £1.5m capital investment has been secured to significantly improve their standard. A business plan is being prepared that will help put the services on a more sustainable footing and this will be brought to the relevant committee in the summer.”
(c) Councillor G. Theobald
99.4. “In view of the Conservative Group amendment that was agreed by Budget Council to reverse the Administration’s proposed £50k saving to the noise patrol service, will the Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee please confirm what level of service will now be provided to residents?”
Reply from Councillor Mitchell, Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee.
“It is important that the out of hours noise patrol service is reintroduced as soon as possible. As a minimum it is expected that a service will be provided along the lines of the historic service of 22:00 to 03:00am Friday and Saturday nights and it is proposed that this will be provided from early April. At the same time we are taking this opportunity to review how and when the service is delivered and ensure it meets with current customer need and demand, and risk. In addition we are making sure that any review is being done alongside the development of the City Neighbourhood, Community Collaboration and Inspection and Enforcement Programme.”
Supporting documents:
- Item 99 Mem Written Questions, item 99. PDF 42 KB View as HTML (99./1) 43 KB
- Item 99 Mem Written Questions + Answers, item 99. PDF 51 KB View as HTML (99./2) 49 KB