Agenda item - The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration:
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Agenda item
The following Notices of Motion have been submitted by Members for consideration:
(a) Extending Enforcement of Grass Verge Parking. Proposed by Councillor Lewry (copy attached).
(b) Retail Sector. Proposed by Councillor Robins (copy attached).
(c) Use of Pesticides. Proposed by Councillor Greenbaum (copy attached).
(d) EU Membership Subject. Proposed by Councillor Littman (copy attached).
(e) Healthy Homes. Proposed by Councillor Meadows (copy attached).
107.1 The Notice of Motion listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Lewry on behalf of the Conservative Group and seconded by Councillor Janio.
107.2 Councillor Lewry stated that he received more phone calls and emails on this subject than any other within his Ward as verge parking could be obstructive and dangerous; as well as impacting more of those that were elderly and visually impaired. It was an increased problem during winter and made verges look and slightly and rundown; as well sometimes damaging the adjoining footway or road. Verge parking was an offence; however, the pilot that had been run in the city had been very successful in the last two years and it was requested that this be extended. The scheme could be self-funding through using the revenue raised from fining those that committed the offence. Whilst tarmacking over verges was not considered a workable option; there were some solutions such as plastic covers that could be trialled and would still allow the grass to grow underneath. It was requested that the matter be referred to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee to extend enforcement.
107.3 The Mayor congratulated Councillor Lewry on his maiden speech on behalf of the Council.
107.4 Councillor Janio formally seconded the motion.
107.5 Councillor Mitchell moved an amendment on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and stated that she recognised what a problem verge parking could cause. To take this matter forward it would be important to consider whether a piecemeal or city-side approach would be more appropriate to address matters around displacement of parking. There was only a team of Officers to undertake this and to agree an expansion of the scheme would impact on other areas of work. Councillor Mitchell stated she was happy to ask Officers to look into the feasibility of this further, but it would be necessary to ensure the resources were in place before this could be agreed.
107.6 Councillor Atkinson formally seconded the amendment and noted that verge parking generally was a complicated issue, and tackling it could easily displace the parking problems. He noted the issues in his own Ward and recognised that generally the pilot had been successful and that further expansion of the scheme could only be done if the necessary resources were available.
107.7 Councillor Barnett congratulated Councillor Lewry on his maiden speech and stated that as his fellow Ward Councillor she also received many complaints from residents about this. Many residents took great and pride in looking after verges and those that were damaged and unsightly gave the wrong impression; she agreed that the enforcement should be rolled out to other parts of the city.
107.8 Councillor K. Norman congratulated Councillor Lewry on his maiden speech and stated that the pilot had worked well in the Withdean area, but noted that in Westdene the signs prohibiting parking on verges were simply ignored by some residents as they were not enforced – he felt that a piecemeal approach would be the most effective to way to prove this scheme could work.
107.9 Councillor West stated that he had been Chair of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability when the pilot was undertaken; he noted that it had focused on active community participation as these types of schemes needed to become self-enforcing. The issues relating to illegal verge parking were not only cosmetic as they could lead to collapse when the verge materials were removed through inappropriate parking and there were costs to Council caused by this problem. He noted that more schemes should be rolled out each year as the pilot had been successful; however, he did not support the approach proposed by the amendment.
107.10 Councillor Taylor noted that residents were increasingly concerned about the condition of verges in his Ward, and verges were one means of helping to beautify the city. He gave examples of one particular street where the state of the verges had affected the health of trees and urged all Members to support the motion.
107.11 Councillor Gilbey noted that some of the problem was due to short term parking; however, the same damage was still caused regardless of the length of parking. She noted that, whilst there were still some problems, the pilot had helped in her Ward.
107.12 Councillor Janio thanked Councillor Mitchell for her helpful response, and he agreed that a targeted approach would be best to address the problem; he stated he would support the amendment from the Labour & Co-Operative Group.
107.13 Councillor Lewry thanked all those that had contributed to the debate and noted he was happy to accept the amendment from the Labour & Co-Operative Group.
107.14 The Mayor noted that the Labour & Co-operative Group’s amendment had been accepted and that the Council was happy to take it as the substantive motion. She therefore put the following motion as amended to the vote:
“This Council resolves to recommend to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee that the current limited grass verge parking enforcement scheme be extended to other areas of the city where this is a significant problem, and requests that a report be brought to that Committee at the earliest opportunity outlining options for its introduction dependent on the availability of resources.”
107.15 The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously as detailed below:
107.16 The motion was carried.
107.17 The Notice of Motion listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Robins on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Councillor Cattell.
107.18 Councillor Druitt moved an amendment on behalf of the Green Group which was seconded by Councillor Greenbaum.
107.19 The Mayor noted that the Green Group’s amendment had been accepted and that the Council was happy to take it as the substantive motion. She therefore put the following motion as amended to the vote:
“This council resolves to request the Chief Executive to write to the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills urging the Government to give us every assistance in supporting the retail sector in Brighton and Hove, including having a strategic approach nationally to improving wages and terms and conditions in the retail sector, encouraging career progression in retail and ensuring the creation of high quality apprenticeships within retail, and citing the success of the Brighton & Hove living wage.
Furthermore, this council commends the work undertaken to date on the city's Employment & Skills Plan, notes the recent adoption of the plan, and resolves to support both the creation of high quality retail apprenticeships within the city and the adoption of the living wage across the city's retail community.”
107.20 The Mayor confirmed that the motion 107 (b) had been carried by 28 votes to 19 with 1 abstention, as detailed below:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
ü |
Mac Cafferty |
ü |
2 |
Atkinson |
ü |
Marsh |
ü |
3 |
Absent |
Meadows |
ü |
4 |
Barnett |
X |
Mears |
X |
5 |
Barradell |
ü |
Miller |
X |
6 |
Bell |
X |
Mitchell |
ü |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
ü |
8 |
Bewick |
ü |
Morgan |
ü |
9 |
Brown |
X |
Morris |
ü |
10 |
Cattell |
ü |
Nemeth |
X |
11 |
Chapman |
ü |
Norman A |
X |
12 |
Cobb |
X |
Norman K |
X |
13 |
Daniel |
ü |
O’Quinn |
ü |
14 |
Absent |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
ü |
Peltzer Dunn |
X |
16 |
Gibson |
ü |
Penn |
ü |
17 |
Gilbey |
ü |
Apologies |
18 |
Greenbaum |
ü |
Robins |
ü |
19 |
Hamilton |
ü |
Simson |
X |
20 |
Hill |
ü |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
ü |
Taylor |
X |
22 |
Hyde |
Abs |
Theobald C |
X |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
ü |
Theobald G |
X |
24 |
Janio |
X |
Wares |
X |
25 |
Knight |
ü |
Wealls |
X |
26 |
Lewry |
X |
West |
ü |
27 |
Littman |
ü |
Yates |
ü |
Total |
28 |
19 |
1 |
107.21 The motion was carried.
107.22 The Notice of Motion listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Greenbaum on behalf of the Green Group and seconded by Councillor Gibson.
107.23 The Mayor then put the following motion to the vote:
“Council resolves to:
1. Request the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee to request officers to use the opportunity of the end of the current weed spraying contract in April 2017 to end the use of Glyphosate in our city; and
2. To request that the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee gives consideration to trying non-chemical and mechanical alternatives during the testing period due to start in July this year and asks officers to inform the Members of the Committee as to which alternatives are being trialled (by its meeting on 28 June) and report on the progress of those trials to the same Committee at its meeting on 29 November this year.”
107.24 The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously as detailed below:
107.25 The motion was carried.
107.26 The Notice of Motion listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Littman on behalf of the Green Group and seconded by Councillor Mac Cafferty.
107.27 Councillor G. Theobald moved an amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group which was seconded by Councillor Bell.
107.28 The Mayor noted that the Conservative Group’s amendment had not been accepted and put it to the vote which was lost by 20 votes to 27 with 2 abstentions as detailed below:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
Abs |
Mac Cafferty |
X |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Absent |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
ü |
Mears |
ü |
5 |
Barradell |
X |
Miller |
ü |
6 |
Bell |
ü |
Mitchell |
X |
7 |
Bennett |
ü |
Moonan |
X |
8 |
Bewick |
X |
Morgan |
X |
9 |
Brown |
ü |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
X |
Nemeth |
ü |
11 |
Chapman |
X |
Norman A |
ü |
12 |
Cobb |
ü |
Norman K |
ü |
13 |
Daniel |
X |
O’Quinn |
X |
14 |
Absent |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
X |
Peltzer Dunn |
ü |
16 |
Gibson |
X |
Penn |
Abs |
17 |
Gilbey |
X |
Apologies |
18 |
Greenbaum |
X |
Robins |
X |
19 |
Hamilton |
X |
Simson |
ü |
20 |
Hill |
X |
Sykes |
X |
21 |
Horan |
X |
Taylor |
ü |
22 |
Hyde |
ü |
Theobald C |
ü |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
X |
Theobald G |
ü |
24 |
Janio |
ü |
Wares |
ü |
25 |
Knight |
X |
Wealls |
ü |
26 |
Lewry |
ü |
West |
X |
27 |
Littman |
X |
Yates |
X |
Total |
20 |
27 |
2 |
107.29 The Mayor then put the following motion as listed to the vote:
“This Council Resolves to:
Write to the Prime Minister expressing that, while
we do not necessarily share his vision for the future, there are
clear benefits for the residents of Brighton and Hove should
Britain remain in the EU; and
Therefore support Britain remaining part of the
107.30 The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been lost by 14 votes to 24, with 10 abstentions, as detailed below:
For |
Against |
Abstain |
For |
Against |
Abstain |
1 |
Allen |
X |
Mac Cafferty |
ü |
2 |
Atkinson |
X |
Marsh |
X |
3 |
Absent |
Meadows |
X |
4 |
Barnett |
X |
Mears |
X |
5 |
Barradell |
ü |
Miller |
X |
6 |
Bell |
X |
Mitchell |
Abs |
7 |
Bennett |
X |
Moonan |
Abs |
8 |
Bewick |
Abs |
Morgan |
ü |
9 |
Brown |
X |
Morris |
X |
10 |
Cattell |
Abs |
Nemeth |
X |
11 |
Chapman |
ü |
Norman A |
X |
12 |
Cobb |
X |
Norman K |
X |
13 |
Daniel |
Abs |
Absent |
14 |
Absent |
Apologies |
15 |
Druitt |
ü |
Peltzer Dunn |
X |
16 |
Gibson |
ü |
Penn |
Abs |
17 |
Gilbey |
ü |
Apologies |
18 |
Greenbaum |
ü |
Robins |
Abs |
19 |
Hamilton |
Abs |
Simson |
X |
20 |
Hill |
ü |
Sykes |
ü |
21 |
Horan |
Abs |
Taylor |
X |
22 |
Hyde |
X |
Theobald C |
X |
23 |
Inkpin-Leissner |
ü |
Theobald G |
X |
24 |
Janio |
X |
Wares |
X |
25 |
Knight |
ü |
Wealls |
X |
26 |
Lewry |
X |
West |
ü |
27 |
Littman |
ü |
Yates |
X |
Total |
14 |
25 |
10 |
107.31 The motion was lost.
107.32 The Notice of Motion listed in the agenda was proposed by Councillor Meadows on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group and seconded by Councillor Yates.
107.33 Councillor Gibson moved an amendment on behalf of the Green Group which was seconded by Councillor Mac Cafferty.
107.34 The Mayor noted that the Green Group’s amendment had been accepted and that the Council was happy to take it as the substantive motion. She therefore put the following motion as amended to the vote:
“This council resolves to request that the Chief Executive writes to the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government urging more coordinated and targeted action at a national level to reduce fuel poverty and deliver healthy homes for our city.
Further, this council resolves to continue its work to tackle fuel poverty locally and requests a report to the Housing & New Homes Committee on our ongoing work on healthy homes. This could include: research and work on district heat networks; encouraging top sustainable standards in home building from architects in schemes in the city; working with registered housing providers and housing bodies on ambitious methods to build warm and sustainable homes; improve the energy efficiency of council homes through the use of renewable energy and improved insulation.”
107.35 The Mayor confirmed that the motion had been carried unanimously.
Supporting documents:
- Item 107 (a) ConGrp - Grass Verges, item 107. PDF 63 KB View as HTML (107./1) 46 KB
- Item 107 (b) LabGrp - Retail Sector, item 107. PDF 67 KB View as HTML (107./2) 48 KB
- Item 107 (c) GrnGrp - Pesticides, item 107. PDF 65 KB View as HTML (107./3) 23 KB
- Item 107 (d) GrnGrp EU, item 107. PDF 67 KB View as HTML (107./4) 24 KB
- Item 107 (e) LabGrp - Healthy Homes v.4, item 107. PDF 70 KB View as HTML (107./5) 52 KB
- Item 107 (a) LabGrp - Amendment 01 - Grass Verges, item 107. PDF 149 KB View as HTML (107./6) 52 KB
- Item 107 (b) GrnGrp - Amendment - Retail Sector, item 107. PDF 148 KB View as HTML (107./7) 46 KB
- Item 107 (d) ConGrp - Amendment 01 - EU, item 107. PDF 121 KB View as HTML (107./8) 53 KB
- Item 107 (e) GrnGrp - Amendment - Healthy Homes, item 107. PDF 150 KB View as HTML (107./9) 47 KB