Agenda item - Human Resources & Organisational Development Annual Report

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Agenda item

Human Resources & Organisational Development Annual Report

Report of the Executive Director, Finance & Resources (copy attached).


1)           That the Committee note the annual reports of activity, assurance and business plan priorities from the Human Resources & Organisational Development (HROD) and Health & Safety Service.


2)           That the Committee notes the relevance of these reports and their contribution to the council’s annual governance statement



10.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Finance & Resources that provided an annual report of activity, assurance and business plan priorities from the Human Resources & Organisational Development (HROD) and Health & Safety Service.


10.2      Diane Bushell stated her concern for the report findings and the challenge it represented for HROD. Levels of sick days and staff turnover had increased, as had reports of bullying and harassment. Diane stated that significant change was required and request assurance that the resource to do so would be available.


10.3      The Executive Director, Finance & Resource agreed that levels of staff turnover were concerning. A contributory factor to that had been ongoing budget pressures and there had been a net reduction in staff of 305 in 2014/15. The Executive Director, Finance & Resources added that there was a clear trend that frontline services had high rate of absenteeism and issues relating to staff sickness often arose from other factors such as increases in service pressures. Resources would be targeted in this area and one initiative agreed would be for a mandatory return to work interview to be held within one day. The authority had undergone a number of service re-designs and it was important to undertake a lessons learned exercise each time that occurred to inform the next. The Executive Director, Finance & Resources provided assurance that senior management were aware of the specific problems and efforts were already underway to resolve these and progress and outcomes would be regularly reported to the committee.


10.4      Councillor Taylor stated that this was a big issue for the authority and he welcomed the assurance of regular updates. Councillor Taylor added that an increase in sickness levels was a backward step for the authority and it was essential to find the reasons behind that rise. Councillor Taylor asked how Brighton & Hove City Council compared with its statistical and geographical neighbours on levels of staff sickness and if a financial cost in terms of productivity was known.


10.5      The Chief Executive clarified that it was estimated that approximately £1m was lost in productivity to staff sickness. The authority was currently above its statistical neighbours for overall levels of staff sickness and he believed the high levels could be seen as a management issue as well as one of cultural and transitional change. Return to work interviews were of high importance because not only was it a way to help staff with any medical issues, it was also a demonstration that the council as an employer took an interest in staff wellbeing. The Chief Executive supplemented that some sickness issues related to manual labour issues and there would be renewed focus on providing the right training for those staff and regular health and safety checks. The Chief Executive explained that whilst a range of initiatives to address the issues highlighted were underway, there was no quick fix.


10.6      Councillor Littman stated that he was aware that the Head of Human Resources had made significant changes to established workplace cultures and he was disappointed to hear there had been a backward step in this area. Councillor Littman added that staff turnover should instead be categorised as staff losses and he would welcome investigation as to whether the reduction in employees was related to an increase in staff sickness.


10.7      The Executive Director, Finance & Resources stated that whilst there was no robust analysis of staff turnover and its relation to staff sickness, it could be assumed that an overall decrease in staff numbers would have an impact. Where service redesigns were implemented, measures were put in place to ensure that they would be as robust and efficient as possible and senior managers were given guidance on how to ensure that. The Executive Director, Finance & Resources added that the annual Staff Survey had specific Health & Safety Authority stress indicator questions and the survey results could be focussed down to individual service levels.


10.8      Councillor Druitt stated that at a time of diminishing resources, a reduction in staff and increased service pressures; it was unsurprising that there had been an increase in staff sickness, particularly relating to stress. Councillor Druitt stated that maintaining and improving staff morale was key and possible methods to reverse the current trend should be the promotion of personal development skills and focussing resources to help staff and their expectations.


10.9      The Executive Director, Finance & Resources stated that there was a significant budget available for learning development activities and new elements to this would be rolled out soon. There was a widespread excitement about developments and progress in the city and that could perhaps be harnessed to link to the work of the council.


10.10   The Chief Executive stated that the council had a broad and varied workforce and it was important that staff fully understood their role and had the correct tools and skills to undertake their work. The Chief Executive stated that he had received anecdotal feedback that Brighton & Hove City Council was an interesting and challenging place to work which was something that could work in the authorities favour and promoted.


10.11   The Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance & Law clarified that managers conducted PDP’s with staff twice per year and there were specific questions regarding personal development and training. Furthermore, Executive Lead, Strategy, Governance & Law stated that the he was an example of staff development having personally progressed through the organisation.


10.12   Councillor Robins stated his concern that diminishing staff numbers may be a contributing factor to increases in staff sickness as workload pressures may mean staff attending work during sickness leading to worsening, long-term issues.


10.13   Councillor Cobb stated that improvements in technology should cover any staff losses in ICT.


10.14   The Executive Director, Finance & Resources stated that the council were examining ways to improve its digital technology which was being delivered through the Customer First in a Digital Age programme.


10.15   RESOLVED-


1)           That the Committee note the annual reports of activity, assurance and business plan priorities from the Human Resources & Organisational Development (HROD) and Health & Safety Service.


2)           That the Committee notes the relevance of these reports and their contribution to the council’s annual governance statement


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