Agenda item - Victoria Road parking proposals
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Agenda item
Victoria Road parking proposals
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 28th June, 2016 4.00pm (Item 15.)
- View the background to item 15.
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).
1) Having taken into account the objection received the Committee agrees to make the Brighton & Hove Outer Areas (Waiting, Loading and Parking) and Cycle Lanes Consolidation Order 2013 Amendment No.X 201X as advertised.
15.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Economy & Culture that provided an update on the current situation for the additional parking restriction proposals in Victoria Road and sought approval of the traffic order necessary.
15.2 Councillor Robins stated that ward councillors were very supportive of the proposals following consultation with residents. The proposals would lead to an increase of 27 spaces on the south side of Victoria Road and a four hour parking time limit. Parking on Victoria Road was often constrained due to customers visiting local car franchises.
15.3 Councillor Greenbaum noted her concern that the proposals may lead to more difficulty in navigating the road for larger vehicles including an increase in waiting situations.
15.4 The Parking Infrastructure Manager confirmed that there were one or two places along the road where there would be parking on both sides of the road and the intention was for vehicles to be permitted to stop at double yellow lines and allow other vehicles through. The Road Safety Team had been consulted on the proposals and they were confident that the proposals did not represent any safety or traffic management complications.
15.5 Councillor Wares noted that the proposals went against the policy of only considering traffic conditions inside controlled parking zones. Councillor Wares noted that £2,000 had been assigned from the disposal of Portslade Town Hall for the advertising of traffic orders and asked how the works would be paid for subject to approval.
15.6 The Parking Infrastructure Manager confirmed that £2,000 covered the traffic orders, lining and signage and any maintenance of the lining.
15.7 Councillor Greenbaum stated that she had not received sufficient assurance that alternative proposals had been considered for people travelling to Portslade Town Hall and could not support the report recommendations.
15.8 Councillor Robins stated that the proposals did not relate to transportation access to Portslade Town Hall but providing sufficient parking for local residents.
15.9 RESOLVED- Having taken into account the objection received the Committee agrees to make the Brighton & Hove Outer Areas (Waiting, Loading and Parking) and Cycle Lanes Consolidation Order 2013 Amendment No.X 201X as advertised.
Supporting documents:
- Victoria Road parking proposals, item 15. PDF 57 KB View as HTML (15./1) 25 KB
- Enc. 1 for Victoria Road parking proposals, item 15. PDF 167 KB