Agenda item - Secretary's Update
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Agenda item
Secretary's Update
• Fairness Commission - OPC submissions and attendance at meeting on older people undertaken. We await the report of the Commission which is due in the summer.
• Health & Well Being Committee - Two OPC officers attended the meeting on the 19th April where the Committee discussed Tower House. The HWBB recommended closure to P&R. The CCG issued a statement re Patient Transport & OPC Vice-Chair asked how long before the contract would be stopped due to the chaotic private company operation.
• Age Friendly City Steering Group - the next meeting of the Steering Group is on the 9th June and will be discussing mental health and older people. This is an issue that the OPC have raised here & in the context of the Fairness Commission.
• Falls - the April OPC meeting raised the issue of falls due to Southern Water. A letter has been sent to the Chief Executive of Southern Water raising our concerns about the impact to older people & costs to the NHS of falls. A Falls prevention group has been established with OPC representation. Falls prevention workshops are being run by BHCC for tutors running sessions with older people.
• Age Friendly City Forum - since the Age UK worker who co-ordinated the meetings has left this has not met. However, we have contacted Age UK suggesting a meeting in June. We understand that the post is to be filled for a Dementia worker who will co-ordinate the forum in future and we are liaising for meetings to recommence.
• OPC Officers Meeting - held on the 25th April. Agreed to send a letter to all Councillors on the Policy & Resources Committee making representations about the future of Tower House and calling for a deferment of any decision. A reply was received from the Leader of the Council and we will be arranging a meeting with him in forthcoming period.
• Tower House - a number of OPC members attended the Policy & Resources meeting held on the 28th April (as did a number of clients of Tower House). Unfortunately a decision was taken to close Tower House with alternative arrangements to be made for service users. P&R agreed to write to the freeholder requesting the retention of the building for community use. A letter has been sent from the OPC to the Executive Director of Adult Social Care with a range of follow up issues relating to the current service users of Tower House.
Response received and circulated. Discuss
• Adult Social Care - The April OPC meeting had presentations re Community
Meals which will include Safe & Well checks, Luncheon Club information across
the City and Home Care. The presentations will be placed on the OPC website.
• Older People’s Day - this is linked to UN International Day of Older Persons on
the 1st October. The Council will be funding an organisation to organise the day/
events etc. The theme is full of life,adventure,memories,relaxation and industry
The OPC had a joint event last year & need to decide for this year. Discuss
• Brighton NPC - AGM held on the 9th May. An acting Secretary with other officers elected. See website Next meeting 15th August.
• Know My Neighbour Partnership Meeting - held on the 20th April at 3.30 at One Church, Gloucester Place - an OPC member to attend. Know My Neighbour week is 21st -27th May with a Pop Up Cafe between 11.00 to 7.00 at One Church. Also a Hop 50+ Quiz on Tuesday 24th May at 2pm at One Church.
• Physical Activity for Healthy Living - course on 27th April at Kings House aimed at those engaging with older clients and residents.
• Plans for Preston Barracks at Brighton University Moulsecoomb campus. Consultation info see .
• NPC - South East Meeting on 26th April on Care.
• Fabrica- The Vital Ingredient celebrates perspectives of older people on the 27th April at 6.00 .
• Stanmer Park Consultation - fairly late notification of consultation. OPC has input in the past and will monitor this project.
• LGBTQ - Advocacy service looking for mental health & young persons advocacy worker - circulated to pass on to anyone interested.
• Giddy - Intergenerational Project re Oral history of older people when they were young in Brighton & Hove. Exhibition at Brighton University with an app than can be downloaded. See
• Nutritional Therapy - event on 4th May at Cornerstone Community Centre.
• Brighton & Hove Compass Meeting - on Saturday 7th May at Brighthelm
• Citizens Brighton & Hove Meeting - an offshoot of Citizens UK seeking to establish locally. Meeting held on May 12th at One Church. OPC will liaise.
• Healthwatch - magazine - range of local NHS info including new dementia services starting in April 2016.
• Sussex Elders Commission Report - re Sussex Police CC issued with acknowledgement of OPC input. See
• Age Action Alliance - contains links to a range of information including a useful Health & Social Care Bulletin by Age UK London.
• DWP - update re Disability Living Allowance ending which affects those born after 8 April 1948.
• National Pensioners Convention - Campaign Bulletin covering meeting with Pensions Minister and cuts to Pensioner credit linked to increased death rates.
• Community Works - Range of events and information on voluntary sector across the City
• Lifelines - have won a lottery grant of £200,000 & will be expanding activities to Woodingdean, Ovingdean & Rottingdean. They will be reviving Healthlink which will assist people who need support to get to medical appointments.
207.2 Penny Morley agreed to find out about the nutritional standards of community meals and concern was expressed about the safe and well checks. She asked people to let the OPC know if they were experiencing any issues with community meals. He was involved the SE Forum on Ageing and had information on the Department for Work & Pensions. She could provide hard copies of a list of lunch clubs in the city for those who were interested.