Agenda item - Stanmer Estate, Parks for people Approval of Grant Application

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Agenda item

Stanmer Estate, Parks for people Approval of Grant Application

Report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


1)            Notes the progress made on the HLF bid outlined in this report and recommends that Policy, Resources & Growth Committee approve the submission of the HLF application for the Stanmer Project due to be made in August 2016.


10.1      The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Culture that provided information on progress made on the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant application for Stanmer Park and requested the Committee recommend to Policy, Resources & Growth Committee to approve the submission of the HLF application for the Stanmer Project to be made in August 2016.


10.2      Councillor Janio thanked officers for their hard work on the Stanmer Project thus far and noted his support for the report recommendations. Councillor Janio requested that Members be kept informed of the Stanmer Project as it progressed and that the Stanmer Project Board be retained as a method of retaining openness and Member input. Councillor Janio asked if officers had met with the new tenant of Stanmer House and representatives from Plumpton College.


10.3      The Parks Projects & Strategy Manager confirmed that officers had met with the new tenant and discussions had found their aspirations to be parallel with the council’s position. A memorandum of understanding is being developed with Plumpton College to confirm their commitment to the project. The college would be sending a letter of intent to support to the application.


10.4      Councillor Greenbaum stated that whilst she was supportive of the plans in principle, she had reservations with regard to the provision of parking. Under the plans, parking spaces would be increasing substantially and that was a serious issue that had not been detailed thoroughly in the report.


10.5      The Chair stated that a decision on parking provision had not yet been reached and requested officers to elaborate further.


10.6      The Parks Projects & Strategy Manager stated that the Sustainable Travel Plan is still a draft and not a document that is an actual requirement of the HLF bid submission. It is intended to bring a report on a Traffic Regulation Order for parking in Stanmer Park to committee in October.


10.7      Councillor Janio noted that sustainable transport options from his ward and western areas of Hove were very poor so whilst he supported an increase in parking provision to enable people to travel to the Stanmer Estate, he acknowledged the finer details of the plans were yet to be decided and a position of compromise could be reached as the project progressed.


10.8      Councillor Theobald stated that he understood there would be an increase in events and hospitality at Stanmer House and it appeared logical that would necessitate an increase in parking provision.


10.9      Councillor Greenbaum stated that in her view, the question of parking provision was important to the project and she felt the committee should be discussing the matter in more depth.


10.10   RESOLVED- That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee  notes the progress made on the HLF bid outlined in this report and recommends that Policy, Resources & Growth Committee approve the submission of the HLF application for the Stanmer Project due to be made in August 2016.

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