Agenda item - Wheeled bin for Recycling Trial Update

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Agenda item

Wheeled bin for Recycling Trial Update

Report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


That the Committee:


1)           Notes the progress made against previous recommendations with regard the use of wheeled bins to collect materials for recycling.


2)           That a full business case is presented at October Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, to seek permission for wheeled bin recycling to be implemented across the city, subject to an audit of appropriate streets / properties for the appropriateness of an additional wheeled bin. 



12.1      The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Economy & Culture that provided an update on the wheeled bin recycling trial being undertaken in Hangleton and South Portslade wards. The update would allow a full business case to be presented to the committee at a later date subject to further analysis and community engagement to seek permission to implement wheeled bin recycling to all households across the city with the exception of the communal bin areas.


12.2      Councillor Janio stated that the scheme had received unanimous appraisal from residents in the Hangelton ward and he hoped the whole city could eventually benefit.


12.3      Councillor Miller noted that the trial had led to an increase in recycling rates of 1.1kg per household and asked what that figure represented as a percentage of overall household waste.


12.4      The Chair stated that precise figures would be sought and an update provided.


12.5      Councillor Robins welcomed the results of the trial adding there was a clear visual reduction in general refuse in South Portslade.


12.6      RESOLVED- That the Committee:


1)           Notes the progress made against previous recommendations with regard the use of wheeled bins to collect materials for recycling.


2)           That a full business case is presented at October Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, to seek permission for wheeled bin recycling to be implemented across the city, subject to an audit of appropriate streets / properties for the appropriateness of an additional wheeled bin. 

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