Agenda item - Update on Chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service
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Agenda item
Update on Chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 28th June, 2016 4.00pm (Item 11.)
- View the background to item 11.
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).
That the Committee:
1) Subject to operational effectiveness (e.g. vehicle travelling) and where the original business case is still justified in terms of cost efficiency, authorises the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture to develop a strategy to better promote waste minimisation & recycling and extend the chargeable garden waste collection service to other areas of the City as set out in the body of this report.
2) Agrees the policy approved by ETS on 13th October 2015 on garden waste collections be extended to reflect 2.1 above. This policy is set out in paragraphs 4.5 to 4.7.
3) Agrees a further update report to be brought to ETS in June 2017, which will enable a full year of data to be presented to the Committee.
11.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director, Environment, Economy & Culture that provided an update on progress on the chargeable garden waste collection service and requested the collection area be extended due to demand.
11.2 Councillor Wares stated that as a user of the service, he had found the collections to be excellent and he had received very positive feedback from his ward residents. Councillor Wares asked if the £52 payment could be made more flexible as some residents may find the one-off cost to be prohibitive.
11.3 The Waste Contracts & Projects Manager stated that this was an issue that had been considered however, the cost was based on a full year subscription and any savings would not be realised if residents made part payments and subsequently cancelled. Different options for payment would be monitored and kept under review.
11.4 Councillor Miller asked if a community loan, similar to that for bus travel provided by East Sussex Credit Union in partnership with Brighton & Hove Bus Company could be considered for this scheme in relation to those residents that could not afford the upfront payment.
11.5 The Acting Executive Director, Environment, Economy & Culture stated this was an option that could be looked into and examined further.
11.6 RESOLVED- That the Committee:
1) Subject to operational effectiveness (e.g. vehicle travelling) and where the original business case is still justified in terms of cost efficiency, authorises the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture to develop a strategy to better promote waste minimisation & recycling and extend the chargeable garden waste collection service to other areas of the City as set out in the body of this report.
2) Agrees the policy approved by ETS on 13th October 2015 on garden waste collections be extended to reflect 2.1 above. This policy is set out in paragraphs 4.5 to 4.7.
3) Agrees a further update report to be brought to ETS in June 2017, which will enable a full year of data to be presented to the Committee.
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