Agenda item - Parking Payment Systems
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Agenda item
Parking Payment Systems
- Meeting of Policy, Resources & Growth Committee, Thursday, 14th July, 2016 4.00pm (Item 28.)
- View the background to item 28.
Report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture together with an extract from the [proceedings of the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee meeting held on 28 June 2016 (copies attached)
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1) Approves the procurement of 320 card-only Pay and Display machines, upgrades to the existing 330 Pay and Display machines to accept card payments only, and additional upgrades to 150 newer cash machines to allow them to accept the new £1 coin and card payments;
2) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to award the contract(s) following the procurement.
3) Approves that the upgrade and purchase of parking machines is included into the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2016/17 funded through prudential borrowing.
28.1 The Committee considered a report of the Acting Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture in relation to Parking Payment Systems; it was also noted that the report had been considered by the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee on 28 June 2016. The report sought approval for the procurement of 330 card-only Pay and Display machines, upgrades to the existing 320 Pay and Display machines to accept card payments only, and additional upgrades to 150 newer cash machines to allow them to accept the new £1 coin and card payments.
28.2 Councillor Mitchell explained that the report had previously been discussed at the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee; however, it had been referred to the Committee without decision and Officers were tasked with undertaking further work on the report. The machines needed to be upgraded to accept the new £1 coin that was due to enter circulation and the opportunity was being taken to look at the stock generally. The proposal would leave 150 cash machines in the city and 150 pay-points; it was considered that this solution offered the best security and reduced the risk of theft.
28.3 In response to questions from Councillor Sykes it was explained that the reduction in the number of pay and display machines had left some anomalies; however, a full review of signage was due to be undertaken to rectify any problems. In relation to the costs of processing card payments it was clarified that this was still the cheaper and safer solution to meeting the costs of a cash collection service for the pay and display machines.
28.4 Councillor Janio acknowledged the necessity to upgrade the service, and asked that Ward Councillors be involved in the process. He noted he was happy to accept the recommendations in the report.
28.5 Councillor Wealls noted he would accept the recommendations in the report, and asked if this could be used an opportunity to consider dynamic parking schemes that had been used elsewhere in the world as means to better management demand and traffic.
28.6 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.
28. RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1) Approves the procurement of 320 card-only Pay and Display machines, upgrades to the existing 330 Pay and Display machines to accept card payments only, and additional upgrades to 150 newer cash machines to allow them to accept the new £1 coin and card payments;
2) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture to award the contract(s) following the procurement.
3) Approves that the upgrade and purchase of parking machines is included into the council’s Capital Investment Programme 2016/17 funded through prudential borrowing.
Supporting documents:
- Item 28 - Extract PRG - Parking Payment Systems, item 28. PDF 64 KB View as HTML (28./1) 29 KB
- Parking payment systems, item 28. PDF 187 KB View as HTML (28./2) 40 KB