Agenda item - Quarter 1 Performance Report
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Agenda item
Quarter 1 Performance Report
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: East Area, Monday, 25th July, 2016 7.00pm (Item 5.)
- View the background to item 5.
(Copy attached)
5.1 The Head of Income Involvement & Improvement introduced the report and explained that it was a brief report due to the despatch times of the agenda. It was agreed that the residents would be informed when the full report was available on the website and hardcopies could be sent to residents who did not have internet access. The following points were highlighted:
· Rent arrears had reduced and it was believed this was due to the welfare reform work that had been completed.
· The phone line issues with the Customer Services & Complaints team had been resolved and the figures had therefore been improved since the last performance report.
· The letting time for properties had been improved; however, there had been problems with senior housing lets. It was explained that current work was being completed and this had brought down the average turnaround time for senior housing.
· A high number of repairs had been completed and there had been an improvement with appointments being kept with Mears and tenants.
· There had been two cases of antisocial behaviour where legal action had been sought.
· Work was being done to prevent tenancy fraud and two properties had been re-let in the last quarter. Residents were encouraged to report suspected fraudulent cases and these would be investigated. The Head of Tenancy Services added that 37 properties had been returned to the Council in the last year.
5.2 In response to queries from the Panel the Head of Income Involvement & Improvement clarified:
· Data collected from the estate inspections could be included in the next Quarter Performance report.
· The Officers agreed to look into including the satisfaction of the EDB Budget in a future Quarter Performance report; however, noted that it would be difficult to gather the data.
5.3 RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.
Supporting documents:
- AP briefing sheet Housing Management Performance Report Q1 201617 v1.1, item 5. PDF 53 KB View as HTML (5./1) 43 KB