Agenda item - Any Other Business

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Agenda item

Any Other Business


8.1       The following points and actions were raised by residents:


·         The Head of Income Involvement & Improvement agreed to look into the ongoing parking problems at Mayflower Square and feedback to Owen Spence. It was added that if residents did not receive a response from Officers when reporting problems, residents could contact her directly.

·         There had been ongoing problems with visitor car parking spaces on estates and it was felt that these complaints should be going to the Housing department, rather than the Parking department. The Head of Income Involvement & Improvement explained that it was being proposed that parking on Council land would be regulated the same as highways and private estates. This would result in visitor car parking spaces being no longer available.

·         Gutter maintenance should have a separate contract from Mears and should be discussed and monitored by the Housing & New Homes Committee. Head of Tenancy Services agreed to feedback.

·         There was an ongoing problem with CityClean not collecting the rubbish off of the estates. It was encouraged that residents should report this.


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