Agenda item - Gloucester Rd/ East St/ Avenue TRO objection

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Agenda item

Gloucester Rd/ East St/ Avenue TRO objection

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


1)           That the committee agrees to adopt the amendments to TRO-8a-2016 and TRO-8b-2016 as proposed.


2)           That the committee instructs officers to advertise a new TRO amendment to The Brighton (North Laine Traffic Management) Order 1986 allowing cycling on Gloucester Road between Kensington Place and Queens Gardens to ensure all local stakeholders have an opportunity to respond to the proposed change.


33.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out objections received in relation to a Traffic Regulation Order for Gloucester Road, East Street and Avenue.


33.2      On behalf of Bricycles, Councillor Greenbaum expressed their disappointment with the tone of the report that insinuated they had been obstructive which was not the case and that they were happy to proceed with the proposals.


33.3      RESOLVED-


1)            That the committee agrees to adopt the amendments to TRO-8a-2016 and TRO-8b-2016 as proposed.


2)            That the committee instructs officers to advertise a new TRO amendment to The Brighton (North Laine Traffic Management) Order 1986 allowing cycling on Gloucester Road between Kensington Place and Queens Gardens to ensure all local stakeholders have an opportunity to respond to the proposed change.

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