Agenda item - To receive any Petitions in respect of planning application BH2007/03544, Land at Brighton Marina Including Inner Harbour and Adjacent Sites

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Agenda item

To receive any Petitions in respect of planning application BH2007/03544, Land at Brighton Marina Including Inner Harbour and Adjacent Sites

No petitions had been received by the date of publication of the agenda.


3.1       Councillor Smith presented a petition in his capacity as one of the Local Ward Councillors. The petition was set out in the following terms:


            “We the undersigned object in the strongest possible manner to the Explore Living Application for Brighton Marina (BH2007/03454) the development represents:


            gross overdevelopment. It is alien and out of character. It is ugly. The Brighton Marina Act 1968 and height restriction must be observed. Has an unacceptable impact on Conservation Areas and Kemptown. There is an unacceptable loss of important strategic views and cliff views.


            The development is not permeable. It is at too high a density. It is an unsustainable development. There is not enough open space, green space and public realm. The Marina is a unique natural environment, surrounded by sea, beach and cliffs, designated a site of special scientific interest. Development will harm the environment and ecology. The development does not respect the character or setting of the Marina site. The infrastructure is unable to cope. There would be an unacceptable loss of parking in the multi-storey car park.


            There should be no more development in flood risk areas given rising sea levels and the increasing prevalence of violent storms. This is a missed opportunity for an imaginative and sensitive approach to development to further enhance the Brighton Marina.


            We urge the Council to refuse the planning application (2,065 signatures)


3.2             RESOLVED - That the contents of the petition be received and noted.



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