Agenda item - Stanmer Park Traffic Regulation Order Consultation permission

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Agenda item

Stanmer Park Traffic Regulation Order Consultation permission

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


1)           That the Committee notes the outcome of the past consultations.


2)           That the Committee approves the proposals to control parking in Stanmer Park as set out in this report, subject to the statutory consultation process for Traffic Regulation Orders and receiving HLF funding.


3)           That the Committee approves the advertising of the associated Traffic Regulation Orders by Officers.


35.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that summarised the current parking problems in Stanmer Park, the findings of the previous consultation and recommended that consultation be undertaken to introduce charges and controlled parking.


35.2      Councillor Janio stated that whilst he was supportive of the project and wanted it to be a success, he had concerns that would not be the case. As a representative on the Stanmer Project Board, he had raised a number of issues regarding the sustainable transport model and traffic management. Councillor Janio stated that he had further concerns in relation to the possibility of circular traffic associated with the pricing of potential parking and loss of spaces across the park. Councillor Janio asked if the approval of the TRO was strictly related to a successful Heritage Lottery Funding bid and would not go ahead if that bid was unsuccessful.


35.3      The Assistant Director, City Environmental Management confirmed that the TRO would only be implemented if the funding bid to the HLF was successful.


35.4      Councillor Miller asked a number of questions in relation to the TRO and wider project. These included whether double yellow lines would be installed to prevent illegal parking up to the park, whether there would be permanent parking in front of the house, whether Chalk Hill would be resurfaced and potentially utilised more, whether the Church car park could be used at weekends when the South Downs National Park Authority would not be using the site, if there would be resident parking, whether students of Sussex University might take advantage of lower season ticket pricing in Stanmer Park in comparison to the University’s own site (particularly in the Lower Lodges) and where the Patchway overflow would be located.


35.5      The Assistant Director, City Environmental Management clarified that enforcement options were set out in paragraph 3.3 and any proposals brought forward would be based on the established enforcement process, the owners of the house were supportive of the bid and discussions regarding events and parking would continue, a precise location of the Patchway overflow site could be provided after the meeting and options for the Church car park and Chalk Hill would be examined through the consultation process. The Assistant Director, City Transport added that to avoid potential annual season ticket misuse, a scheme could be adopted whereby a vehicle would need to be registered within a certain location in order to qualify to apply for a permit.


35.6      Councillor Wares moved a motion on behalf of the Conservative Group to amend recommendation 2.2 in bold italics as follows:


2.2         That the Committee approves the proposals to control parking in Stanmer Park as set out in this report, subject to the statutory consultation process for Traffic Regulation Orders and receiving HLF funding.


35.7      Councillor Theobald seconded the motion.


35.8      The motion was carried.


35.9      Councillor Theobald stated that he had been asked many times whether 300 trees would be removed from the park and asked for clarification on the matter.


35.10   The Assistant Director, City Environmental Management there was a tree management plan being developed for the park following advice from Heritage England. There were trees that may be unsuitable for the park and any decision would be relayed to Members following detailed design work.


35.11   Councillor Greenbaum enquired whether the committee were agreeing to the charges set out at paragraph 3.11 of the report as she had concerns that the pricing structure would fail to be sufficient deterrent not to park in the central areas of the park.


35.12   The Chair clarified that the committee were being asked to consult on the measures set out in the report and as part of that consultation, adjusting the tariff could be considered.


35.13   Councillor Greenbaum noted her concerns regarding recent signage put up along the road to the house counting down the number of minutes it would take to arrive at the house by car that she felt contradicted the council’s sustainable transport ambitions.


35.14   The Chair then put the recommendations, as amended, to the vote which were agreed.


35.15   RESOLVED-


1)            That the Committee notes the outcome of the past consultations.


2)            That the Committee approves the proposals to control parking in Stanmer Park as set out in this report, subject to the statutory consultation process for Traffic Regulation Orders and receiving HLF funding.


3)            That the Committee approves the advertising of the associated Traffic Regulation Orders by Officers.

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