Agenda item - Wheeled bin recycling

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Agenda item

Wheeled bin recycling

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


1)            That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee notes the update on the wheeled bin recycling trial and recommends to Policy, Resources & Growth Committee that it approves the introduction of wheeled bin recycling in principle subject to detailed financial implications of the scheme being presented for consideration at the Policy, Resources & Growth meeting on 8 December 2016


36.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that provided the consultation results of the wheeled bin recycling trial and sought approval in principle to expand the trial area of 4000 wheelie bins for recycling to all households across the city where there is room for storage estimated at a further 60,000 properties. A full financial business case and audit would be submitted to the Policy, Resources & Growth Committee (PG&R) on 8 December 2016.


36.2      Councillor Wares noted that he had received anecdotal feedback that the bins were light and could be blown around in high winds leading to the lids to crack.


36.3      Councillor Janio stated that he had received 100% positive feedback from residents about the trial. More residents wanted the bins and he hoped a further roll-out could be underway as quickly as possible. In relation to improvements to recycling rates, Councillor Janio expected there to be a period of adaptation but he believed rates would substantially increase once the scheme was settled.


36.4      Councillor Atkinson expressed his thanks to Cityclean staff for their work and from the correspondence he had received, the trial had proven to be very popular. Furthermore, Councillor Atkinson noted that he had received multiple enquires from residents about when they would receive the bins such had been the positive impact.


36.5      Councillor Deane asked if the bins would be provided to households that had front gardens or suitable storage but were located in a communal refuse area.


36.6      The Assistant Director, City Environmental Management stated that this would not be something taken forward as it would have a detrimental impact on the functioning and efficiency of the service.


36.7      Councillor Miller welcomed the results of the trial and asked if there could be a communication focus on items that could and could not be recycled in order to dispel common myths and increase recycling rates. Councillor Miller asked if a maintenance and replacement budget had been identified, if residents would be permitted more than one bin where appropriate and if it would be possible to locate the bins in communal blocks.


36.8      The Assistant Director, City Environmental Management clarified that, subject to the approval of the financial and business case at PG&R Committee, there would be a robust communications and advertising strategy which was not in place for the trial.  There was a budget in place for replacement and maintenance of bins that would be supplemented by a shifting in allocation for black box bins as these would no longer be required in the longer-term. The Assistant Director, City Environment Management added that families would be entitled to two bins if required and there would also be the option of lower capacity bins for smaller households. Communal blocks were always a challenge for the service in terms of number and locations and newer developments offered the opportunity to adopt new technologies, including underground storage. Furthermore, discussions were in progress on the wider communal bin replacement programme.


36.9      Councillor Robins welcomed the report that had been very well received by residents in his area.


36.10   Councillor Greenbaum welcomed the report and asked how storage room for the bins would be assessed, whether this would be self-assessment or if there was existing data.


36.11   The Assistant Director, City Environment Management stated that this would be undertaken with a street by street assessment.


36.12   RESOLVED- That the Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee notes the update on the wheeled bin recycling trial and recommends to Policy, Resources & Growth Committee that it approves the introduction of wheeled bin recycling in principle subject to detailed financial implications of the scheme being presented for consideration at the Policy, Resources & Growth meeting on 8 December 2016.

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