Agenda item - Rottingdean High Street - Traffic and Air Quality
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Agenda item
Rottingdean High Street - Traffic and Air Quality
- Meeting of Environment, Transport & Sustainability Committee, Tuesday, 11th October, 2016 4.00pm (Item 27.)
- View the background to item 27.
Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).
1) The Committee recommends that the options and considerations outlined within this report regarding possible measures or schemes that could improve traffic flow and reduce air pollution in Rottingdean village, and especially the High Street, are best taken forward by the RPC liaison group. [This will avoid duplication of officer resources and ensure that more time can be spent on exploring the options for implementation referred to at 2.3 below.} This group should be appropriately resourced, including with the attendance of a senior officer, to be decided by the Executive Director following consultation with the Chair of the Committee and Lead Opposition Spokespersons and should meet on a quarterly basis.
2) The Committee agrees that a report be brought back to ET&S Committee on an annual basis updating on progress.
3) The Committee notes the potential sources of funding outlined in paragraph 7.2 and agrees that sufficient resources are explored from the 2017/18 LTP Capital Programme and the Transport division’s revenue budget and beyond, to look to implement the Task & Finish Group’s and RPC liasion Group’s work and recommendations based on traffic modelling.
27.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that set out options and considerations regarding possible measures or schemes that could improve traffic flow and reduce air pollution in Rottingdean, specifically High Street. The report had been requested by Full Council following public and Member representations at its meeting on 21 July 2016.
27.2 The Chair moved a motion on behalf of the Labour & Co-operative Group to amend recommendation 2.1 and add recommendations 2.2 and 2.3 as shown in bold italics as follows:
2.1 The committee recommends that the options and considerations outlined within this report regarding possible measures or schemes that could improve traffic flow and reduce air pollution in Rottingdean village, and especially the High Street, are best taken forward by the RPC liaison group. [This will avoid duplication of officer resources and ensure that more time can be spent on exploring the options for implementation referred to at 2.3 below]. This group should be appropriately resourced, including with the attendance of a senior officer, to be decided by the Executive Director following consultation with the Chair of the Committee and Lead Opposition Spokespersons and should meet on a quarterly basis.
2.2 The Committee agrees that a report be brought back to E,T&S Committee on an annual basis updating on progress.
2.3 The Committee notes the potential sources of funding outlined in paragraph 7.2 and agrees that sufficient resources are explored from the 2017/18 LTP Capital Programme and the Transport division’s revenue budget and beyond, to look to implement the Task & Finish Group’s work and recommendations based on traffic modelling.
27.3 Introducing the amendment, the Chair explained that the purpose of the motion was to strike a balance between being able to maintain sufficient resources to pursue the agreed Local Transport Plan (LTP) programme and at the same time, continue the liaison with the Rottingdean Parish Council (RPC) and the village community in pursuing option to improve traffic flow and air quality in Rottingdean High Street. The Rottingdean Parish Council liaison group would be the body this work would be taken forward with.
27.4 Councillor Horan seconded the motion.
27.5 Councillor Miller moved a motion on behalf of the Conservative Group to amend recommendation 2.1 and add recommendations 2.2 and 2.3 as shown in bold italics as follows:
2.1 The committee recommends that the options and considerations outlined within this report regarding possible measures or schemes that could improve traffic flow and reduce air pollution in Rottingdean village, and especially the High Street, are best taken forward by a continuation of the established task and finish group. This group should be appropriately resourced, including with the attendance of a senior officer, to be decided by the Executive Director following consultation with the Chair of the Committee and Lead Opposition Spokespersons and should meet on a quarterly basis.
2.2 The Committee agrees that a report be brought back to E,T&S Committee on an annual basis updating on progress.
2.3 The Committee notes the potential sources of funding outlined in paragraph 7.2 and agrees that sufficient resources are explored from the 2017/18 LTP Capital Programme and the Transport division’s revenue budget and beyond, to look to implement the Task & Finish Group’s work and recommendations based on traffic modelling.
27.6 Introducing the amendment, Councillor Miller stated that recommendation 2.3 of the Labour & Co-operative Group amendment would need to be adjusted as the Task & Finish Group recommendations would be taken forward by the RPC liaison group and the Task & Finish Group would come to an end. In terms of the Conservative Group amendment, Councillor Miller stated that its intention was to give purpose to the original report recommendations with evidence based solutions. Councillor Miller stated that Rottingdean High Street was an Air Quality Management area and the motion requested resources be found from later in the LTP programme to address not only air quality issues but the recent reduction in businesses operating from the High Street.
27.7 Councillor Janio formally seconded the motion.
27.8 Councillor Janio stated that the Committee had heard several representations from residents based in the east of the city that made clear there were issues to resolve. Councillor Janio stated that it was fair that resources, including that of a senior officer attending meetings, were provided in finding a suitable resolution and that the Task & Finish Group were the appropriate body to take the matter forwards.
27.9 The Chair asked for clarification that the Conservative motion proposed the issue be discussed at the RPC, Task & Finish Group and RPC liaison group.
27.10 Councillor Janio confirmed that to be the case however, the amendment only requested that a senior council only have to focus on the Task & Finish Group.
27.11 Councillor Greenbaum enquired as to the composition of the Task & Finish Group.
27.12 The Assistant Director- City Transport clarified that the Task & Finish Group comprised a sub-section of the RPC and council officers and more recently had included ward councillor representation.
27.13 The Chair then put the Labour & Co-operative motion to the vote which was tied. The Chair used her casting vote and the motion was carried.
27.14 The Chair then put the Conservative Group motion to the vote which was tied and not carried.
27.15 The Chair then put the recommendations, as amended, to the vote which were agreed.
1) The Committee recommends that the options and considerations outlined within this report regarding possible measures or schemes that could improve traffic flow and reduce air pollution in Rottingdean village, and especially the High Street, are best taken forward by the RPC liaison group. [This will avoid duplication of officer resources and ensure that more time can be spent on exploring the options for implementation referred to at 2.3 below.} This group should be appropriately resourced, including with the attendance of a senior officer, to be decided by the Executive Director following consultation with the Chair of the Committee and Lead Opposition Spokespersons and should meet on a quarterly basis.
2) The Committee agrees that a report be brought back to ET&S Committee on an annual basis updating on progress.
3) The Committee notes the potential sources of funding outlined in paragraph 7.2 and agrees that sufficient resources are explored from the 2017/18 LTP Capital Programme and the Transport division’s revenue budget and beyond, to look to implement the Task & Finish Group’s and RPC liaison group’s work and recommendations based on traffic modelling.
Supporting documents:
- Rottingdean High Street - Traffic and Air Quality, item 27. PDF 113 KB View as HTML (27./1) 32 KB
- Enc. 2 for Rottingdean High Street - Traffic and Air Quality, item 27. PDF 304 KB View as HTML (27./2) 24 KB