Agenda item - SEND Review - Phase 2
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Agenda item
SEND Review - Phase 2
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 3rd October, 2016 4.00pm (Item 33.)
- View the background to item 33.
Report of the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning (copy to follow)
Contact Officer: Regan Delf Tel: 01273 293504
Ward(s) Affected: All Wards
33.1: RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed:
(1) That the following proposals should now go out to formal statutory consultation:
(i) Extending the age range of Hillside School from 4-16 years to 2-16 years, with a view to implementation in September 2017
(ii) Extending the age range of Downs View School from 3-19 years to 2- 19 years, with a view to implementation in September 2017
(iii) The closure of Patcham House School for children with complex needs in July 2018.
(2) That the outcome of the statutory consultation would be brought back to Children, Young People and Skills Committee meeting on 9 January 2017 in order for a decision to be made as to whether to proceed to the next step of the process, namely the publication of statutory notices.
(3) Noted that there would be a further period of informal engagement with relevant stakeholders regarding the most suitable model of provision for the proposed integrated hubs in the east and west of the city. The results of these discussions would be brought back to Children Young People & Skills Committee on 6 March 2017.
(4) That an options appraisal and further consultation on the location of
a new integrated nursery would be conducted, and the outcome brought back to committee in January 2017.
(5) Noted that Homewood College school for children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties and the two Pupil Referral Units (the Connected Hub and Brighton and Hove Pupil Referral Unit) were progressing with the setting up of a Federation to provide an integrated hub for young people with SEMH under unified leadership and governance. Subject to agreement, capital funding would be set aside to upgrade the Homewood College site.
33.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Families, Children & Learning which set out the background and rationale for the proposed changes to special educational needs and disability (SEND) provision across the city. The report was introduced by Assistant Director, Health SEN and Disabilities.
33.2 In response to a question from Councillor Simson, the Assistant Director, Health SEN and Disabilities advised that many of the children who may have gone to Patcham House were now attending mainstream schools. Whilst Patcham House provided a good standard of education, secondary schools now had very good facilities for those with additional needs, and so children who attended there could receive both the necessary support and have access to a wider curriculum.
33.3 In response to questions from Councillor Page the Assistant Director, Health SEN and Disabilities advised that the proposed changes were not lead by a need to cut budgets but rather to run the service more efficiently. With regard to the provision for 19-25 year olds, there was no additional budget available so funding for that could be used from any potential savings. Any additional money would be retained for those with SEND.
33.4 In response to questions from Councillor Miller, the Assistant Director, Health SEN and Disabilities confirmed that those with complex needs and those with severe learning difficulties would not be in the same classroom. The proposed changes were intended to improve the integrated support for both pupils and their families. Downs View Link School would be included in the proposals.
33.5 In response to questions from Mr Jones, the Assistant Director, Health SEN and Disabilities confirmed that if the number of children with SEND increased more places would be made available at schools. Where possible, parents would be able to give a preference as to whether to send their child to a mainstream or special school. With regard to post 16 provision, the Authority wanted to be able to provide the best environment for all children and was currently working with Downs View School to ensure that that would be provided.
33.6 RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed:
(1) That the following proposals should now go out to formal statutory consultation:
(i) Extending the age range of Hillside School from 4-16 years to 2-16 years, with a view to implementation in September 2017
(ii) Extending the age range of Downs View School from 3-19 years to 2- 19 years, with a view to implementation in September 2017
(iii) The closure of Patcham House School for children with complex needs in July 2018.
(2) That the outcome of the statutory consultation would be brought back to Children, Young People and Skills Committee meeting on 9 January 2017 in order for a decision to be made as to whether to proceed to the next step of the process, namely the publication of statutory notices.
(3) Noted that there would be a further period of informal engagement with relevant stakeholders regarding the most suitable model of provision for the proposed integrated hubs in the east and west of the city. The results of these discussions would be brought back to Children Young People & Skills Committee on 6 March 2017.
(4) That an options appraisal and further consultation on the location of
a new integrated nursery would be conducted, and the outcome brought back to committee in January 2017.
(5) Noted that Homewood College school for children with social, emotional and mental health (SEMH) difficulties and the two Pupil Referral Units (the Connected Hub and Brighton and Hove Pupil Referral Unit) were progressing with the setting up of a Federation to provide an integrated hub for young people with SEMH under unified leadership and governance. Subject to agreement, capital funding would be set aside to upgrade the Homewood College site.
Supporting documents: