Agenda item - Somerset Point Sprinkler Project
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Agenda item
Somerset Point Sprinkler Project
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: Central Area, Friday, 16th September, 2016 2.00pm (Item 14.)
- View the background to item 14.
(Copy attached)
14.1 The Head of Housing Strategy Property & Investment introduced the report and highlighted:
· The sprinkler project was part of the investment programme.
· The Council worked closely with the fire service to ensure the statutory fire safety guidelines were upheld. They wished to promote the use of sprinklers in high rise blocks.
· Somerset Point was considered a high risk building as the majority of residents were elderly and it was high rise.
· The report included the process that was taken, the precautions that were taken to prevent disruptions for residents and feedback received.
· A future report will be presented at Housing & New Homes Committee in November 2016 to discussion the installation of sprinkler systems in other high rise blocks across the city.
14.2 In response to queries from the Panel the Head of Housing Strategy Property & Investment clarified:
· The fire service would determine which properties were higher risk and the majority of these would be high rise blocks.
· The fire service and the council had statutory duties to complete annual checks of the properties in the city; however, the sprinkler system would be an additional safety precaution.
· The sprinklers were isolated and would not set off the sprinklers in every room of the flats, unless necessary. A pilot trial was completed in a test flat and positive feedback had been received from the residents that had attended.
· Elderly and disabled residents that lived in flats above ground floor level should have additional provisions in place.
14.3 RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.
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