Agenda item - Repairs and Improvement Update
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Agenda item
Repairs and Improvement Update
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: West Hove & Portslade Area, Tuesday, 20th September, 2016 2.00pm (Item 13.)
- View the background to item 13.
(Copy attached)
13.1 Glyn Huelin, Business & Performance Manager, introduced the report and highlighted:
· Regular monitoring reports would be presented at the Housing & New Homes Committee and Area Housing Panels to ensure contractors were operating effectively.
· Mears had reduced hiring subcontractors by half due to the feedback that had been received by residents and from the monitoring reports that had been presented at Committee. It was added that glazing, large scale draining and scaffolding jobs would continue to be delivered by subcontractors.
· Mears had employed an additional 14 local employees.
· A new performance indicator system had been introduced to gather feedback on subcontractors used and these would be reviewed. If the subcontractors did not deliver to the standards that Mears and the Council had set, they would no longer be able to operate for Mears.
· Weekly meetings would be held with Mears to review ongoing work and repairs. There would be ongoing reviews of major works and these would continue to feedback to the Area Housing Panels.
13.2 In response to queries from the Panel the Business & Performance Manager clarified:
· The response that had been received regarding the out of hours service was unsatisfactory; however, the Council were going to meet with the Mears call centre staff and were expecting an improvement.
· Calls made to the out of hours service were recorded and listened back to.
· Mears would continue to use subcontractors for specialist jobs and where it proved to be better value for money; however, subcontractors would continue to be monitored.
13.3 RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.
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