Agenda item - Somerset Point Sprinkler Project

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Agenda item

Somerset Point Sprinkler Project

(Copy attached)


14.1    Theresa Youngman, Mears representative, introduced the report and highlighted:


·         The Council worked closely with East Sussex Fire Service and were hoping to launch a scheme, where the fire authority would match the invested money from the Council towards a new sprinkler system in high risk properties.

·         The buildings were fire proof and there were fire detection systems in place; however, sprinklers would be an extra measure.

·         The heat from a potential fire would have to reach a certain temperature to activate the sprinklers.

·         The feedback received from residents was positive.


14.2    In response to queries from the Panel the Head of Housing Strategy Property & Investment clarified:


·         Buildings with six storeys or above were technically high rise blocks.

·         East Sussex Fire Authority had create a matrix system that would confirm which blocks were more “high risk” than others. The matrix would be updated annually.

·         New builds would automatically be fitted with a sprinkler system.


14.3    RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.

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