Agenda item - Housing Fire Safety Policy

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Agenda item

Housing Fire Safety Policy

Report of Executive Director Neighbourhoods, Communities and Housing (copy attached).



(1)            That the Fire Safety Policy attached at appendix 1, be approved.


(2)            That the additional fire safety work that is taking place be noted.



54.1   The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing which explained that the council was required to comply with relevant legislation and subsequent guidance to minimise the fire risk to occupants in council owned housing stock. The Fire Safety Policy set out Housing’s commitment to provide a safe environment in which council residents are assured that the risk of injury or damage to their homes caused by fire is minimised. The report also set out additional work being undertaken to improve fire safety in the housing stock as set out in paragraphs 3.6 to 3.11. The report was presented by the Head of Tenancy Services accompanied by the Health & Safety Business Partner and the Borough Commander, Nigel Cusack (East Sussex Fire & Rescue Service).


54.2    Councillor Atkinson referred to the reference to ‘daisy chain extensions’ in the seventh bullet point of paragraph 4.3 on page 38 of the agenda. He asked if there had been any thought about having extensions with USB slots. The Head of Tenancy Services replied that as the council were rewiring properties they were putting in additional plugs and could look into the request. The Health & Safety Business Partner stated that the main obstacle could be the cost as this type of plug could be quite expensive.


54.3    Councillor Mears welcomed the report.  She referred to paragraph 3.11 on page 37 of the agenda which referred to the Resettlement Initiative.  She asked for reassurance that provisions put in place in the past were still in place.  The Head of Tenancy Services confirmed that provisions were in place.  The Housing team considered support needs and there were a number of follow up visits.  Tenants were sometimes linked to a Tenancy Sustainment Officer and received a fire safety visit.  A new post had been developed to provide a risk assessment for vulnerable tenants.


54.4    Councillor Druitt referred to paragraphs 3.7 & 3.8 on pages 36 and 37 which referred to mobility scooters. He noted that there was not much mention of buggies and pushchairs. He stressed that many wheelchairs were bigger and less collapsible and the recommendations set out in paragraph 3.8 might be discriminating against people with wheelchairs.  Meanwhile, some tenants might not be able to afford external storage.


54.5    The Head of Tenancy Services replied that it was absolutely critical that clear common ways were maintained to provide safe access in the event of a fire.  The council did need to balance individuals’ needs with safety issues when considering the provisions of the Equalities Act.  A solution was needed for the storage of wheelchairs which met the equalities duty. Officers acknowledged that mobility scooters enhanced people’s lives and were working to help people find solutions.  However, people did need to think before buying a buggy/scooter as some were very large.

54.6    Borough Commander Cusack (East Sussex Fire & Rescue) stressed  that some people were charging scooters in common ways and this had led to fires.


54.7    Councillor Bell thanked officers for the report.  He stated that the use of the electrical supply in common ways and the charging of buggies must be investigated. With regard to the sprinkler system, he noted that there would be no budget for this work from 2017 onwards.  He asked about support for vulnerable people in relation to fire safety.  The Head of Tenancy Services replied that officers had been carrying out an audit of any sockets that were not lockable, so people could not extract electricity. Meanwhile, the council was carrying out work with the fire service to encourage fire safety visits.  Carelink also encouraged fire safety visits.  With regard to the budget, it had been agreed to provide sprinklers at St James House and a business case had been made for Essex Place. Money was  available for those schemes.  If the schemes proved successful, the matter could be reviewed and the budget revised accordingly. Meanwhile, portable charging was available for mobility scooters.


54.8    Councillor Hill referred to the dangers of having a build up of layers of paint. She asked if this was an issue.  The  Health & Safety Business Partner explained that a large build up of paint could be a flammable risk. However, the council did not tend to have a large build up of paint in its properties.  It was not considered a big enough risk to justify money being spent.


54.9    Councillor Barnett stressed that if people gave up their mobility scooters they would lose independence and a social life. She believed that the council should provide an outside shelter for scooters.  Councillor Barnett mentioned that all sheltered blocks had a large communal lounge.  She suggested that a partition could be put in place in these rooms to provide storage for scooters.  Councillor Barnett also suggested using one of the studio flats as a store. The Head of Tenancy Services stressed that there was not an issue with mobility scooters in Seniors Housing.  That was because there was a scheme to manage them. Officers did not want to take away people’s independence. It was necessary to look at each individual on a case by case basis. Some people moved into properties and their health deteriorated, which was more problematic.  The council had built stores but found that when people moved they were left empty.  There  was a need to find low cost options and to look at each case individually. 


54.10  The Head of Housing mentioned that new build schemes had separate storage areas that residents could rent.  


54.11  RESOLVED:-


(1)            That the Fire Safety Policy attached at appendix 1, be approved.


(2)            That the additional fire safety work that is taking place be noted.

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