Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.
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Agenda item
Mayor's Communications.
To receive communications from the Mayor.
61.1 The Mayor stated that it was with great sadness that he had to share the news of the recent passing of Tehmtan Framroze, former councillor and Mayor of Brighton. He retired from the council in 2007 having served Coldean for many years and chaired the Housing Committee during his time as a councillor. The Mayor asked everyone present to stand for a minute’s silence as a mark of respect.
61.2 The Mayor then noted that there was an exhibition at Jubilee Library to mark International Holocaust Memorial Day which he recommended to all Members. He also noted that an information session from Dementia Friends had been arranged for all councillors on the 2nd February, and again hoped a number of colleagues would be able to attend.
61.3 The Mayor stated that he wished to highlight the work of all councillors in their Wards and local communities and noted that Councillors Barnett, Janio and Lewry had recently raised over £3,200 to support community actions.
61.4 The Mayor stated that he had a number of charity events coming up and invited Members to join him; e.g. a walk through the downland estate which he hoped would become known as the ‘Brighton & Hove Way,’ a quiz night at Portslade Town Hall and cycle ride around the Biosphere in May.
61.5 Finally, the Mayor noted that he was wearing a special tie as a mark of celebration for the Brighton & Hove Sea Serpents Rugby Club, which was run for gay and bisexual men and had had their first win this week.