Agenda item - Reducing the Differences in performance for Disadvantaged Children and Young People in Brighton and Hove

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Agenda item

Reducing the Differences in performance for Disadvantaged Children and Young People in Brighton and Hove

Report of the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning (copy attached)


Contact Officer: Ellen Mulvihill                   Tel: 01273 294410

Ward(s) Affected: All Wards




1) That the Committee note the report


52.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Families, Children & Learning which provided information on the impact of the ‘Closing the Gap’ Strategy on the performance of disadvantaged pupils in the city. The report was introduced by the Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion.


52.2    Councillor Phillips said she supported the change in culture and that the interventions had raised the level of all pupils, but was concerned that the gap for disadvantaged children had not been closed. The Assistant Director Education and Skills assured the Councillor that closing the gap was a top priority.


52.3    Councillor Wealls welcomed work being done. He noted that the performance in Maths was disappointing and asked what was being done, and whether schools which didn’t achieve were being challenged. The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion said that a new Maths strategy was being worked on, and said that schools were constantly being challenged.


52.4    Councillor Russell-Moyle noted that the national data this year would measure the difference between disadvantaged pupils in the school with non-disadvantaged pupils nationally with similar starting points. The Head of Standards & Achievement Education & Inclusion said that was correct, and the Department for Education had changed the comparator. Councillor Moyle asked whether schools were linking up with cultural services to support disadvantaged children. The Assistant Director Education and Skills said they did, and were working with groups such as the Arts & Music Service to provide opportunities for all children.


52.5    Councillor Taylor thanked officers for the report, and said that this was an area which everyone should be focused on. He suggested that the Committee look at what is and isn’t going well, rather than just rely on Ofsted reports. The Assistant Director Education and Skills reassured the Councillor that that was already being done.


52.6    Mr Jones suggested that it would be useful to have more detailed data showing all statistics as well as the difference between advantaged and disadvantaged children. The Assistant Director Education and Skills said that a full detailed report would come to Committee in due course.


52.7    Mr Glazebrook acknowledged the contribution of groups such as the Crew Club, who supported disadvantaged children.


52.8    RESOLVED: The Committee noted the report.

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