Agenda item - Residents Question Time

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Agenda item

Residents Question Time

Responses to items raised at the Tenant Only Meeting held on 12th October 2016 (copy attached as ‘blue pages’).


22.1    (Item 1 – Car Park lighting at Nettleton and Dudeney)


22.2    Residents expressed the following concerns:


·         Stated concern regarding the frequently similar responses given in the blue pages

·         Possible imposition of time limits for different stages

22.3    Officers responded to resident’s concerns stating the following:


·         Officers recognised the concerns over responses given via blue pages and agreed to look at the issue presented

·         Stated that stage 2 takes longer because someone has been dissatisfied with the response they have received at Stage 1

22.4    (Item 2 – community Payback)


22.5    Residents stated the following concerns and enquiries:


·         The community payback team a department of justice


·         Stated that residents feel like they have been lied to many times and still feel payment is owed

22.6    Officers responded with the following:


·         Community payback is a rehabilitation group of young people who have to schedule  their work accordingly, if work requires a higher skill then certain considerations will be taken in to account


·         Officers will meet with the company to go through the various issues


22.7    (Three star items of West Area Panel – Item 1 – Resident Involvement Review)


22.8    Residents expressed the following concerns and had the following enquiries:


·         Concerns regarding the withdrawal of support of the Lewes Road Consortium, was this a recognised association and why was it removed?

22.9    Officers responded to resident’s enquiries and concerns by way of the following:


·         In terms of Residents Consultative Groups, that is all part of the review, during this review it was discovered that Lewes Road Consortium was an anomaly as it was not originally constituted like Area Panels. 

22.10    (Three star items – Item 2 – Common areas and private gardens)


22.11    Satisfied


22.12    (Three star items – Item 3 –Restructuring of Housing Officer Roles)


22.13    Residents enquired if there has been a reduction in posts


22.14    Officers stated that a new Area Housing Manager has been appointed       and that there has been a mild reduction of posts due to cuts and savings.


22.15    (Three star items of Central Area Panel – Item 1 – Resident Involvement Review)


22.16    RESOLVED – That the responses provided to the issues raised from the Tenant Only meetings be noted.






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