Agenda item - Housing Fire Safety Policy

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Agenda item

Housing Fire Safety Policy

(3 Reports Attached)


21.1    The officer presented the Fire Safety Policy report and requested any feedback


21.2    Residents had the following feedback, enquiries and concerns:


·         Who decides what is a fire risk and what would be the process to decide a fire risk

·         Is it possible to have a fire officer to give a talk at specific tenant meeting in the area

·         Requested clarity on issue regarding storage of scooters


21.3    Officers gave the following responses:


·         Fire safety policy covers all of housing, corporate team and includes many officers. Housing also have a health and safety manager. The current commission through Mears states the current fire risk assessments taking place

·         Would arrange to do individual risk assessment with person considered as fire safety risk, depending on situation could receive additional support

·         There is no one person in charge however there is a program of work with checks and balances that must be adhered to

·         Fire officers are happy to talk to residents

·         People have not been permitted to store scooters in common areas since 2011, it is the responsibility of the person who has purchased a scooter to ensure it’s security

Supporting documents:


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