Agenda item - Tenancy Fraud Amnesty Briefing

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Agenda item

Tenancy Fraud Amnesty Briefing

(Copy Attached)


25.1    Rachel Chasseaud, Head of Tenancy Services, introduced the Tenancy Fraud Amnesty Briefing and highlighted the following:


·                     An amnesty was beginning at the beginning of December to potentially gain properties back that may have been sub-let.

·                     The Housing team were working alongside the tenancy and fraud team.

·                     The keys to the properties could be returned to the Council anonymously and the resident would not be prosecuted. It was a cost effective way to regain properties.

·                     Similar amnesties had been successful in other authorities.

·                     The residents were encouraged to report and fraud suspicions they may have.

·                     There would be a feedback report presented at the Area Housing Panels in March.

·                     The amnesty will last 2 months.


25.2    RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.


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