Agenda item - HRA Asset Management - Delivering Accommodation

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Agenda item

HRA Asset Management - Delivering Accommodation

Report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (report to follow).


23.1    Simon Pickles, Housing Stock Review Manager, introduced the report and highlighted:


·         The Housing & New Homes Committee agreed to the closure of Stonehurst Court, senior housing scheme, as it was in an inappropriate location.

·         There were six possible options; however, four of these were viable. These were to create:


1)       11 new homes.

2)       14 new homes.

3)       10 converted homes.

4)       Retain the 20 existing studios.


·         The preferred options would be to either offer family homes or temporary housing for homeless people.


23.2    In response to queries from the Panel the Housing Stock Review Manager clarified:


·         There were currently 20 studio flats on the site.

·         Six studio flats situated at the front of the building would be retained.

·         Family homes were needed in the city.

·         That he would feedback that the residents had suggested a mix of studio flats and family homes.


23.3    RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.


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