Agenda item - Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 2 - 2016/17

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Agenda item

Housing Management Performance Report Quarter 2 - 2016/17

(Copy Attached)


23.1    Ododo Dafe, Head of Income and Involvement, presented the report and highlighted:


·        The indicators showed that 34 areas were on target, six targets were almost met and five were below target.

·        The repairs contract was under target due to the average time to repair and the answering calls time. This was mainly due to the loss of subcontracting work, the high demand of work, and the change of staff on the helpdesk.


23.2    In response to queries from the Panel the Head of Income Involvement & Improvement clarified:


·         A resident raised concerns regarding major projects running one year behind schedule and noted that more detail should be included in the report explaining this. The Officer explained that the Council were working to resolve the issues with certain areas, for example, scaffolding and were monitoring the performance with Mears on a weekly basis.

·         Mears was a competitive business and retaining staff was challenging. There was a recruitment day for Mears in December.


23.3    RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.

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