Agenda item - Families, Children and Learning Fees and Charges 2017/18
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Agenda item
Families, Children and Learning Fees and Charges 2017/18
- Meeting of Children, Young People & Skills Committee, Monday, 9th January, 2017 4.00pm (Item 63.)
- View the background to item 63.
Report of the Executive Director Families, Children & Learning (copy attached)
(1) That the position on fees charged for Nurseries as detailed in Section 3.3 be agreed.
(2) That the position on fees charges for Childcare Workforce Development as detailed in Section 3.4 be agreed.
(3) That the position on fees and charges for the Music and Arts Service as detailed in Section 3.5 be agreed.
(4) That the position on the charges for School Meals as detailed in Section 3.6 be noted.
63.1 The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Families, Children & Learning regarding the Families, Children and Learning Service’s fees and charges. The report was introduced by the Head of Service, Early Years & Family Support.
63.2 Councillor Wealls noted that there would be a 2% increase for 3-4 year olds, but a 7% increase for under 3 year olds, and asked why there wasn’t a general increase for all ages. The Head of Service, Early Years & Family Support said that there were many more 3-4 year olds in nursery care in the city, and those families currently received 15 hours of free provision per week which was funded by the government, and which would increase to 30 hours per week from September 2017, so therefore the amount they paid themselves was less. The staff ratio was different depending on the ages of the children; for 3-4 year olds it is 1:8, or 1:13 if there was a qualified teacher present, and for those under 3 it was 1:3 Therefore the cost of provision for the younger children was much more expensive. Councillor Wealls accepted that there was a need to increase the fees but thought that a 7% hike was very high and would impact on families financially, and therefore it could be preferable to have the same lower increase for all ages. The Head of Service, Early Years & Family Support said that from September the proportion of childcare which parent’s would pay for 3-4 year olds was quiet small, and so the Council would have to significantly increase the fees paid to generate the necessary additional income required. The Government were increasing the tax free child care, so for every 80p paid for child care parents could claim back 20p so there were other sources of income available to help them. Councillor Wealls asked if that change to tax would take away the disadvantage of the 7% increase, and he was advised it would.
63.3 Councillor Phillips asked what the Council’s subsidy was for nurseries and for training. The Head of Service, Early Years & Family Support advised that the annual subsidy for nurseries was £350k, and for training it was around £50k.
63.4 Councillor Phillips referred to paragraph 5.7.1, and asked how many children were in receipt of Free School Meals. The Head of Service, Early Years & Family Support said she didn’t have that information, but would find out and let the Committee know.
63.5 Councillor Brown asked if it was known what the Arts Council Music Hub grant would be. The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning said that the Authority was advised at the end of December 2016 that the grant would be broadly the same as in previous years.
63.6 Mr Glazebrook noted the subsidies available and asked what the take up of young people using the Music and Arts Service was. The Assistant Director Families, Children & Learning said she didn’t have that information, but would find out and let the Committee know.
63.7 Councillor Taylor referred to the charges for school meals, and asked why the Retail Price Index (RPI) was used rather than the Consumer Price Index (CPI), as the RPI tended to rise faster. The Executive Director Families, Children & Learning said that the RPI was used by the Council for calculating all fees and charges.
63.8 Councillor Penn asked if it would be possible for parents to be able to spread the cost of paying for music lessons over a number of months, which would make it for affordable for many people. The Assistant Director Families, Children & Learning said that she would check with the Head of Music Service.
63.9 RESOLVED: The Committee agreed:
(1) That the position on fees charged for Nurseries as detailed in Section 3.3 be agreed.
(2) That the position on fees charges for Childcare Workforce Development as detailed in Section 3.4 be agreed.
(3) That the position on fees and charges for the Music and Arts Service as detailed in Section 3.5 be agreed.
(4) That the position on the charges for School Meals as detailed in Section 3.6 be noted.
Supporting documents:
- Families, Children and Learning Fees and Charges 2017/18, item 63. PDF 403 KB View as HTML (63./1) 40 KB
- Enc. 1 for Families, Children and Learning Fees and Charges 2017/18, item 63. PDF 136 KB View as HTML (63./2) 16 KB