Agenda item - Housing Revenue Account Budget
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Agenda item
Housing Revenue Account Budget
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: West Hove & Portslade Area, Tuesday, 6th December, 2016 2.00pm (Item 24.)
- View the background to item 24.
(Verbal update).
24.1 The Head of Income Involvement & Improvement highlighted the presentation that was given at the City Wide Conference on 17 November 2016.
24.2 The Officer outlined the slide regarding the Capital Investment and the proposed areas that would have their budgets either reduced or increased to make savings. The six voting co-optees present undertook an electronic vote in response to “Do you think we have got the balance right?”. The results were as follows:
83% voted “yes”.
0% voted “no”.
17% voted “not sure”.
24.3 In response to Councillor Nemeth the Head of Income Involvement & Improvement explained that leaseholders were expected to pay for necessary improvements or repairs to the building. The leaseholder had an opportunity to dispute these.
24.4 RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.