Agenda item - Saltdean Lido Restoration Project

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Agenda item

Saltdean Lido Restoration Project

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).




1)        That Members note the progress made by SLCIC including on Phase 1 of the restoration.  The pool is scheduled to be open for public use  this summer (as indicated in 3.4)


2)        That Members note SLCIC has submitted a Stage 2 Heritage Lottery Fund application for £4.2 million towards the restoration of the main Lido building.


3)        That Members note SLCIC has identified the estimated cost of the restoration of the main Lido building to be £9 million. The CIC have applied  for Charitable Trust status to assist their funding strategy to meet the total cost.


4)        That Members approve entry into the conditional Agreement for Lease with SLCIC. The conditions are listed in paragraph 3.12.


5)        That Members approve entry into the 60 year lease for the Lido when the conditions are satisfied in accordance with the Agreement for Lease.


6)        That Members note the restoration of Saltdean Lido will require the existing library building to be demolished. However, SLCIC have not been able to identify funding for the library section of the restored building to be built and fitted out, nor the provision of a temporary library during the works.


7)        That Members approve funding of up to £0.7 million for temporary library provision and a new library in the restored Saltdean Lido and agree to include this commitment in the capital programme 2018/19.


8)        That Members approve the investment in 2.7 will be funded through borrowing with the financing costs estimated to be £0.040 million per annum, and agree to this commitment being included in the Budget from 2018/19.


127.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture in relation to Saltdean Lido Restoration Project. Saltdean Lido Community Interest Company (SLCIC) were appointed the Council’s preferred bidder in the project to restore the Grade 2* Saltdean Lido and remove the building from the English Heritage “At Risk Register”. This report provided an update on the significant progress made by SLCIC to meet the considerable challenge to restore the Lido.


127.2      Councillor G. Theobald congratulated the work of the community interest company (CIC), as well as the work of the Ward Councillors and Officers.


127.3      In response to Councillor Sykes it was confirmed that the original tender had included the provision of improved library services; however, since the award of it there had been significant increases in the costs to restore the lido, particularly the repairs to the original 1930s building. The CIC had done an excellent job in securing funding through an HLF bid and it was considered necessary for the Council to invest to bring this asset back into use that was currently as risk.


127.4      Councillor Janio thanked the work of Officers.


127.5      The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote.


127.6      RESOLVED:


1)        That Members note the progress made by SLCIC including on Phase 1 of the restoration.  The pool is scheduled to be open for public use  this summer (as indicated in 3.4)


2)        That Members note SLCIC has submitted a Stage 2 Heritage Lottery Fund application for £4.2 million towards the restoration of the main Lido building.


3)        That Members note SLCIC has identified the estimated cost of the restoration of the main Lido building to be £9 million. The CIC have applied  for Charitable Trust status to assist their funding strategy to meet the total cost.


4)        That Members approve entry into the conditional Agreement for Lease with SLCIC. The conditions are listed in paragraph 3.12.


5)        That Members approve entry into the 60 year lease for the Lido when the conditions are satisfied in accordance with the Agreement for Lease.


6)        That Members note the restoration of Saltdean Lido will require the existing library building to be demolished. However, SLCIC have not been able to identify funding for the library section of the restored building to be built and fitted out, nor the provision of a temporary library during the works.


7)        That Members approve funding of up to £0.7 million for temporary library provision and a new library in the restored Saltdean Lido and agree to include this commitment in the capital programme 2018/19.


8)        That Members approve the investment in 2.7 will be funded through borrowing with the financing costs estimated to be £0.040 million per annum, and agree to this commitment being included in the Budget from 2018/19.

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