Agenda item - Asset Management Fund 2017/18

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Agenda item

Asset Management Fund 2017/18

Report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture (copy attached).


RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the Asset Management Fund bids for 2017/18 totalling £1 million, as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of this report.


149.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Economy, Environment & Culture in relation to Asset Management Fund 2017/18. The report sought approval for the £1 million of the 2017/18 Asset Management Fund allocation.


149.2      Councillor G. Theobald moved an amendment on behalf of the Conservative Group in relation to the toilet facilities in the cemetery to the north of Old Shoreham Road. He noted that the lack of a facility made it difficult for older people and others to attend services, and he hoped the Committee could agree to the amendment on equality grounds.


149.3      Councillor Janio formally seconded the amendment; he noted there had been a deputation to the Environment, Transport & Sustainability (ET&S) Committee on this, and hoped the Committee could agree the funding.


149.4      Councillor Mitchell highlighted the issue to date; a deputation had been received by the ET&S Committee, at that meeting it had been agreed that Officers would look at the capital and revenue implications of bringing the toilet back into use (currently there was only an adult toilet, with no disabled facility). It was the intention to now bring a report back, to either Committee, setting out the background to closure, the level of usage and funding streams in the contexts of savings within the wider public toilets budget; any report would need to identify savings from within the same service.


149.5      The Chair noted that the Administration could not support the proposed amendment in the context of other toilet closures in the city.


149.6      Councillor Sykes noted that he would wait for the full report before committing a view.


149.7      Councillor Janio highlighted that the Conservative Group were of the view that closing this toilet had been a mistake, and they were seeking to rectify it.


149.8      The Chair then put the proposed amendment to the vote. This was not carried with 4 in support and 6 against.


149.9      In response to a general query from Councillor Wealls it was explained that there was a bidding process for the fund; most bids were agreed and those that were not had largely related to revenue maintenance.


149.10   The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote; these were carried with 6 in support and 4 again.


149.11   RESOLVED – That the Committee approve the Asset Management Fund bids for 2017/18 totalling £1 million, as detailed in paragraph 3.3 of this report.

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