Agenda item - Sussex Coast Area Review and the Metropolitan College Proposals

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Agenda item

Sussex Coast Area Review and the Metropolitan College Proposals

Presentation from Nick Juba, Chief Executive Officer, City College Brighton & Hove


24.1      The Board considered a presentation from Nick Juba, Chief Executive Officer, City College Brighton & Hove that set out the recommendations proposed following the Sussex Coast Area Review and proposals for the Metropolitan College.


24.2       Peter Davies asked how the Greater Brighton Skills body would engage with businesses in the region.


24.3      Nick Juba explained that a subsidiary group would be established and in such a way to allow increased engagement with businesses and a commercial focus not currently delivered within the existing traditional structures.


24.4      Councillor Wall stated that he was pleased to hear positives from around the region but young people in Mid Sussex did not see such positives as there was currently no 6th Form provision in the area. Councillor Wall asked how this was proposed to be resolved


24.5      Nick Juba stated that Central Sussex College and Chichester College were in discussions over a potential merger and a possible campus located in Haywards Heath had arisen from those discussions. Nick Juba added that any final decision was made by the Governors of the colleges rather than the government.


24.6      Councillor Wall stated that it was important for the Board to note that the current situation was unacceptable and untenable.


24.7      The Board unanimously agreed with the statement made by Councillor Wall.


24.8      Prof. Humphris stated that whilst she welcomed merger discussions, it was important to recognise that a fundamental issue of governance had led to the current predicament.




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