Agenda item - The use of Section 106 Contributions for Education

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Agenda item

The use of Section 106 Contributions for Education

Report of the Executive Director- Families, Children & Learning (copy attached).


1)           That the Committee notes the legislative framework which provides for S106 developer contributions being sought to provide education infrastructure to support housing developments.


2)           That the Committee notes the use of the funding in accordance with the requirements of planning legislation.


3)           That the Committee agrees that in the future spending of S106 funding will be reported to the CYPS committee in March each year and that sometimes this will need to be retrospective.


12.1      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Families, Children & Learning that informed Members of the legislative framework which provides for Section 106 (S106) developer contributions being sought to support housing developments and informed Members of the current amount generated, how it had been used and future uses identified.


12.2      Referring to paragraph 3.13 Councillor Phillips asked why there was not yet a timetable for a Community Infrastructure Levy.


12.3      Councillor Cattell replied that background research was being conducted and she would ask Planning officers to send an email response to Councillor Phillips.


12.4      Ben Glazebrook asked if community forums could have input into how S106 contributions were directed as that may boost democratic engagement and the interest of young people in the planning process.


12.5      The Head of Capital Strategy & Development clarified that S106 guidance set out specific items that contributions could be used for and commonly related to infrastructure improvements relating to the increase in pupil places.


12.6      RESOLVED-


1)           That the Committee notes the legislative framework which provides for S106 developer contributions being sought to provide education infrastructure to support housing developments.


2)           That the Committee notes the use of the funding in accordance with the requirements of planning legislation.


3)           That the Committee agrees that in the future spending of S106 funding will be reported to the CYPS committee in March each year and that sometimes this will need to be retrospective.

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