Agenda item - Community Safety Strategy Consultation
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Agenda item
Community Safety Strategy Consultation
Extract from the proceedings of the Neighbourhoods, Communities & Equalities Committee meeting held on the 13th March 2017 (to follow), together with a report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).
95.1 The Mayor noted that the next item related to the Community Safety & Crime Reduction Strategy and that following discussions at the Whips’ meeting earlier in the day, it had been agreed that the Chair of the Neighbourhoods, Communities & Equalities Committee put forward an amendment that would be taken without discussion. The effect being that the strategy would be approved subject to any amendments being agreed at the Policy, Resources & growth Committee on the 4th May and the strategy then coming into force. He therefore called on Councillor Daniel to move the amendment.
95.2 Councillor Daniel stated that she was aware of some concerns regarding the proposed Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20, which had been considered by the Neighbourhoods, Communities & Equalities Committee and noted that a proposed amendment to the recommendations had been circulated. She stated that the strategy was one of the few plans and strategies reserved to full council and therefore sought support for the proposed amendment so that the strategy could be taken forward.
95.3 Councillor Moonan formally seconded the proposed amendment.
95.4 Councillor Wares stated that he had now read three versions of the proposed strategy, which supposedly incorporated changes requested by Members, with the last version only being circulated earlier in the day. He did not feel that this was the appropriate way in which to deal with the matter and that the strategy should have been published before it was agreed at full council. As such he could not support the proposed amendment.
95.5 Councillor Littman stated that when the report was presented to the NCE committee it was accepted that it could be debated in full at the council meeting. Members of the committee raised a number of points that officers agreed to incorporate into the final version of the strategy and yet these had not been included fully. As such he felt that the strategy should come back to the NCE committee rather than the PR&G committee for approval before being referred up to full council.
95.6 Councillor Daniel noted the comments and apologised for the failure to include the agreed changes at NCE committee in the revised strategy; but noted that overall the strategy was accepted and the changes amounted to two sentences. She believed the strategy could be agreed and had hoped that any additional changes could then be incorporated at the PR&G committee meeting. However, she was willing to accept the proposal to defer the item and for it to be reconsidered at the next NCE committee meeting.
95.7 The Mayor noted that there was support in the chamber for the matter to be referred back to the NCE committee and therefore sought clarification from Councillor Daniel on her previous amendment.
95.8 Councillor Daniel stated that she was happy to withdraw her amendment and to propose that the item be deferred and the strategy reconsidered by the NCE committee before coming to full Council in July for approval.
95.9 Councillor Moonan formally seconded the amendment.
95.10 The Mayor noted that an amendment to the recommendation had been moved to defer the item and refer the strategy back to the NCE committee, which he put to the vote and which was carried.
95.11 The Mayor then put the amended recommendation to the vote which was carried.
95.12 RESOLVED: That Item 95, Community Safety & Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20 be deferred and referred back to the Neighbourhoods, Communities & Equalities Committee for consideration at its next meeting before coming to full Council in July.
Supporting documents:
- Community Safety Strategy Consultation, item 95. PDF 134 KB View as HTML (95./1) 25 KB
- 170208 MASTER Community Safety Strategy 2017-20, item 95. PDF 360 KB
- 170117 strategic assessment 2016 - final, item 95. PDF 2 MB
- Item 95 - Extract from NCE - Community Strategy, item 95. PDF 224 KB View as HTML (95./4) 30 KB
- Item 95 On-line consultation - short version, item 95. PDF 157 KB View as HTML (95./5) 30 KB
- Item 95 Final Brighton & Hove Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20, item 95. PDF 478 KB
- Item 95 Draft Brighton Hove Community Safety and Crime Reduction Strategy 2017-20, item 95. PDF 607 KB View as HTML (95./7) 438 KB