Agenda item - Mayor's Communications.

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Agenda item

Mayor's Communications.

To receive communications from the Mayor.


85.1      The Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and noted that the City’s football club were extremely close to securing promotion to the Premier League, needing only 12 more points from the last 6 games.  He also noted that the club was encouraging everyone to get behind the team as part of their ‘We’re in Together Campaign’ and as such he hoped all Members would find the time to put a ‘selfie’ on Facebook.  In the meantime he was aware the council wanted to show its support by wearing the official blue & white stripes and therefore called on all Members to stand for a photo.


85.2      The Mayor then invited Martin Perry from Brighton & Hove Albion to address the meeting.


85.3      Mr. Perry thanked the council for their support and stated that he would ensure the team were made aware of the support and hoped that they would achieve promotion.


85.4      The Mayor then invited Nick Wilmot to come forward to receive the ISO901 certificate on behalf on the Environmental Health & Licensing Team, who had recently met the standard and offered the council’s congratulations to the team.


85.5      The Mayor then referred to his recent activities including English Tourism week, which saw the renaming of the Brighton Palace Pier, the hosting of digital gaming companies from China, the unveiling of a Blue Plaque to Edward Zeth, who was a Brighton born Jew who served as an under-cover agent in France during the 2nd World War.  He also attended the Kurdish New Year celebrations, the inter-school swimming championships, and noted that Brighton & Hove had recently been listed as the most active city in the country.


85.6      The Mayor then noted that the coming weekend would see the Brighton Marathon and associated events taking place, and invited Members to join him at any of his forthcoming charity events which included, 23rd April Biosphere Bike rides, and on the 30th April the Brighton Walk.  He was also taking part in the Brighton Consortium’s Paris to Brighton cycle ride form the 4th to the 8th May, during which he would be launching the Brighton Fringe.


85.7      Finally, the Mayor wished to draw Members’ attention to the new Mayoral robes that had been designed and donated by Gresham Blake and thanked him on behalf of the council.


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