Agenda item - Repairs & Improvement Handbook
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Agenda item
Repairs & Improvement Handbook
- Meeting of Housing Management Panel: Central Area, Tuesday, 28th March, 2017 2.00pm (Item 35.)
- View the background to item 35.
Report of the Executive Director for Neighbourhoods, Communities & Housing (copy attached).
35.1 Perrin Horne, Customer Service Manager, introduced the report and highlighted the following:
- The original review of the Repairs & Improvement Handbook was completed in 2011 and there had not been any major changes or updates since this review.
- The report had been presented at the Service Improvement Group (SIG) and it would be reported to the Senior Housing Action Group (SHAG).
- The handbook would be published online; however, hard copies would be available with the Housing Department and Customer Repairs team if requested by residents.
- The online version of the handbook would provide links to different sections on the website.
35.2 In response to queries raised by the Panel the Customer Service Manager clarified:
- There was information in the handbook concerning damage being done when repairs were being completed.
- Resident leaseholders had a separate handbook.
- SIG had suggested an item in the handbook regarding home content insurance.
- Mears would have more engagement with residents regarding major repairs.
35.3 RESOLVED – That the Panel agreed to note the report.
Supporting documents:
- Repairs Handbook briefing note, item 35. PDF 150 KB View as HTML (35./1) 18 KB
- Repairs Handbook DRAFT v1, item 35. PDF 465 KB View as HTML (35./2) 159 KB