Agenda item - Chair's Communications

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Agenda item

Chair's Communications


156.1    The Chair gave the following Communications:


“Welcome to the last Policy, Resources & Growth meeting of the current municipal year and I would like to thank all of you for your contributions to the committee over the past 12 months. This will be the final meeting for Councillor Geoffrey Theobald as leader of the opposition. He has served on this committee and its predecessors for many years and has made enormous contribution to the work of this council. There will I’m sure be an opportunity to acknowledge Councillor Theobald’s civic achievements in due course but I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for his unparalleled service to Brighton on this and other authorities.


This I also believe is the last committee meeting for our Democratic Services Manager Ross Keatley who has provided me and this committee with professional support. I’m sure that the other members of this committee and the wider council will join me in wishing him all the best for the future.


Finally as we are in purdah I will limit the debate and discussion today just to the immediate business at hand and would ask all members to refrain from drifting in to any party political comments. So I hope we will all respect that and leave the politics to the campaign trail for today.”


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