Agenda item - Council Tax Exemption for Care Leavers

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Agenda item

Council Tax Exemption for Care Leavers

Report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources (copy attached).


RESOLVED - That the Committee approves the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.


162.2      The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Finance & Resources in relation to Council Tax Exemption for Care Leavers. The report asked the Committee to consider and approve a new Council Tax exemption that would ensure that Care Leavers within the City did not have to pay Council Tax up to the age of 25.


162.3      In response to Councillor Wealls it was clarified that those leaving care were supported by the Council until the age of 25 and would be advised of their rights; were the report to be agreed it would be retrospectively actioned.


162.4      Councillor Hamilton welcomed the report and highlighted the corporate parenting role shared by all Members; he noted that the costs were relatively low and hoped the Committee would be able to support the proposals.


162.5      The Chair noted other local authorities were also doing this in response to a campaign from the Children’s Society. The Chair then put the report the vote.


162.6      RESOLVED - That the Committee approves the creation of a new Council Tax exemption for Care Leavers to be applied until the age of 25.

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